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~He realizes something very important.~

Legolas has always been your absolute best friend ever. He's known you since you were both little children. You are the captain of the guard [A/N: Sorry Tauriel! But you got beat for the job!] and he was the prince, but that didn't do anything to put a dent in your friendship. If anything, it made it stronger.

You joined the fellowship as extra protection for Frodo. At first, Legolas wasn't happy with that. He didn't want to see you get hurt. But you proved yourself when those orcs attacked you in Moria.

Tonight, it was his watch, and he was leaning against the tree in the forest, watching as the glowing embers in the fire pit dimmed.

Movement caught his eye, and he looked towards you, as you rolled over onto your back, your hair pooling beneath your head. The moonlight seemed to make your face glow, and shine off of your curly eyelashes.

He noticed something about you that he hadn't noticed before...

How beautiful you truly are.

Your pink lips were curled up in a small smile, as if you were dreaming of something nice.

His lips curled into a small smile. All these years, he'd thought he's always loved you as a friend. But now he knows something much more than that.

He's in love with you.

Your brow furrowed, and you whimpered softly. Legolas moved closer to you. You were mumbling things.

"Not...not Legolas...take me...me in-instead...I love him..." Legolas's eyes widened, and he moved closer as you started whimpering louder. He gently cupped your cheek in his hand, stroking your cheekbone with his thumb.

He moved closer, feeling your warm breath coat his lips. "[Y/N]," he whispered. His lips barely brushed over yours, making your lips tingle. Your eyes opened, and Legolas pulled back, blushing bright red. "I-I...um...I..."

You grabbed him by the front of his tunic, and crashed your lips to his. He responded immediately.

Your moans woke up Aragorn and Gimli.

Gimli grumbled grumpily as he handed Aragorn the ten coins he bet.

"Alright you two! We don't need any baby elves runnin about!" Gimli said, making you two pull apart, blushing deep red.

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