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~While you're sleeping.~

get yo mind outta da gutter!


Aragorn cracked his eyes open, only to be greeted with blackness. It was silent as he peeked out the window, only to see the moon has barely even started its descent.

A soft sigh reached his ears, and he turned his head, to see you lying on your front next to him, your arms wrapped around your pillow under your head.

The moonlight gave you an almost heavenly glow, caressing your features and shining gently off your slightly messy hair.

Your lips were upturned in the gentlest of smiles, making his heart warm as he laid back down next to you, gently caressing your soft cheek with his hand. He smiled as you unconsciously nuzzled into the warmth, your hair falling onto your face. He pushed it back, and took you in his arms, tucking you into his chest.

You let out a content sigh as you slept, unconsciously wrapping your arms around the source of the warmth. Aragorn kissed your forehead, slightly tightening his arms around you.

"I love you, [Y/N]. I love you so, so much."

With that, he fell asleep to dreams of you.


Short and cute, like me!

JK, JK. Lol, that was good. That was good.

This was seriously super duper fluffy though. I figured you guys have earned a break from those depressing imagines.


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