requested - Thorin

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I realize that it's been a kajillion years since I updated.

But you can't kill me otherwise I can never update again! Muahahahaha!

*clears throat*



Liana ran towards her best friend, her dark hair swinging behind her.

"Bard!" She panted, dropping a hand on his shoulder. "Your house is being watched!"

Bard cursed under his breath, looking at the group of dwarves and the single hobbit behind him.

"Come with me," he said. He turned to Liana. "You as well."

She ran beside Bard as he led the Company to his house. Well, under it. Liana climbed up through his toilet first, and helped each dwarf through, one by one.

The hobbit came through, and finally, the very leader of the Company, Thorin Oakenshield.

He slipped on the wet wood, and she grabbed his hand, pulling him up. He looked up to thank Liana, but froze as his bright eyes met hers. His mouth dropped open, as did Liana's, and they stared at each other in silence. He climbed the rest of the way out of the toilet, and bowed slightly. "Thorin Oakenshield, at your service."

She smiled slightly, giving a slight curtsy. "Liana. Nice to meet you."

He gave her a kind smile before going to join his company in the kitchen.

All throughout his stay in Laketown, Liana would find herself running into him. Both of their faces would go bright red, and they would stutter out an apology, or a quick greeting.

If Aragorn, Liana's younger brother, saw how she was around the King Under the Mountain, he wouldn't fail to tease her about it.

The morning of the Company's departure came, and Liana found herself running late to bid them farewell.

They were about to pull away from the dock when she got there. "Thorin!" She called, jumping up and down and waving her arms to get his attention. "Thorin!"

His head snapped towards her. "Liana?"

As they boat began to row away, she grabbed his face between her hands and kissed him, hard. "Promise me you will come back."

He kissed her again, just as hard. "I promise."

And he never breaks a promise.


It Took forever, but there it is. The last request I'll be doing for a while. I'll go back to them if I run out of ideas.

I hope you liked it!

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