requested - Azog (lmao)

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note: this was a joke y'all stop taking it so seriously lmao

No One's POV

Bobalina made her way to the front of the crowd of orcs, elbowing and hissing in the others' faces.

To the human eye, she would be considered hideous, but to the guy orcs, well...she would be considered hot.

"Watch it, you cow!" An Orc hissed at her, glaring.

She slit his throat and continued to the front, smirking at the sounds of cannibalism that erupted behind her.

"Azog," she said, gaining his attention, "when will we reach the dwarf-scum?"

"Soon, Bobalina, soon. What's gotten into the maggots back there?"

"One of the filthy worms called me a cow, so I slit his throat and let the others finish him off," Bobalina said, a malicious grin breaking out across her scarred face.

Azog grinned at her, running the tip of his clawed hand across her cheekbone, too light for it to leave a mark. "You truly are horrid," he said.

"No, I'm malicious, sadistic, sarcastic, cruel, and - my favorite - vicious," she grinned, her yellow cat eyes glittering at Azog.

He kissed her roughly, winding his real hand in her short, coarse hair.

When they parted, she grinned at him. "You smell like rotting eggs," she said.

"You smell like rotting Orc flesh."

"You look like someone's vomit threw up."

"You look like that stuff that comes from the back of a horse's ass."

Bobalina grinned, baring her stained, sharp teeth. She kissed him roughly once more before going to terrorize the group of orcs behind them, who were snickering behind their hands at the pair.

She beheaded a few, and might have seriously damaged a few family jewels, before going up front with Azog again, leaving the orcs cowering behind her.

The orcs were terrified of her, and very few insulted her and lived to tell the tale. Because, ninety percent of the time, either she or Azog would murder them for it. And then their companions would suck their flesh off their bones like some sort of animal (well, technically they are animals, but that's beside the point).



Lmao I don't even know


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