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~Who are you?~

Kili watched in horror as the troll picked you up, ready to eat you. You were squirming, trying to escape his grasp.

"The girlies are always the sweetest," he said, raising you up farther over his mouth.

"No!" Bilbo shouted, jumping to his feet. "You can't eat her!"

Kili caught on immediately, and struggled to his feet from in the sack. "Yeah! If you do, you'll... you'll..."

"I'll what, dwarfling?" The troll sneered.

Bilbo thought fast. "You'll be cursed!"

Bilbo didn't need to say anymore before the troll tossed you away in disgust. The whole company heard the crack of your head hitting a rock.

Kili hopped over to you, and rolled you over into your back, grimacing at the sight of the gash that ran across the length of your forehead.

Kili barely noticed when Gandalf turned the trolls to stone, or when Fili freed him from his sack. He barely registered the fact that the entire company was gathered around your prone form.

Kili pulled you into his lap, and cupped your cheek. "C'mon, [Y/N]! Wake up! Please!"

You stirred at the sound of his voice, cracking your eyes open to peek at the person holding you. "Who are you?"

Kili's heart stopped, and you could hear a sharp intake of breath from everyone in the company.

"[Y/N], don't you remember me? I'm Kili...I'm your betrothed!"

You looked confusedly up at him, an eyebrow raised.

You suddenly smiled. "How could I ever forget you, Kili?!"

Kili laughed in relief. "You were faking?!"

"Yeah. Thought I'd lighten up the situation a bit."

Kili hugged you tight, kissing you hard, before tucking your head into his chest and hugging you tighter.

"My head still hurts, though."

He pulled away slightly. "Sorry."

You kissed, smiling against his lips.

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