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~You give your life for him.~

I know, I know. More depressing imagines. Just grin and bear it. Unless you're sobbing too hard to grin...

Ahem...moving on... :)


You walked side by side with your betrothed, your golden armor slightly clinking as you walked.

You followed Haldir as he approached Aragorn, a close friend of yours. "Long ago, Elves fought and died alongside men," he said.

You grinned at Aragorn. "We come to honor that allegiance," you said, earning a tight hug from Aragorn.

An Orc horn rang in your ears, and the elves took up battle stations. You stood next to Haldir, your golden bow drawn, an arrow notched and ready to fly.

"Show them no mercy, for you shall recurve none!" Aragorn shouted from somewhere behind you.

And then,

the arrows flew.

A good few hours into the fight, you were hacking and slashing at Uruk-Hai, Haldir only a few feet away from you.

You spotted and Uruk-Hai come up behind him.

"Haldir!" You shrieked, diving for him. You got impaled by the Uruk's blade instead of Haldir. You fell to your knees, dropping your sword.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion around you.

"[Y/N]!" You clutched a hand to your stomach, looking down at it as you pulled your hand away.

It was stained with blood.


Your blood.

You fell backwards, only to be caught by someone. Someone with long, blonde hair. "[Y/N]," Haldir whispered brokenly, brushing your hair from your face.

"H-Haldir?" You reached a shaky hand towards his face.

He grabbed it with his own, holding it to his tear-stained cheek. You could faintly make out his teary blue eyes.

"Stay with me, [Y/N]. You're going to be alright. You're going to be alright," he said, tears dribbling down his cheeks.

You weakly shook your head against his shoulder. "No. Haldir... I'm not...going to be...okay." You were fighting for breath.

Haldir shook his head. "No...no..." he mumbled, holding you tighter to himself, as he could hold your life to your body.

You looked him straight in the eye. "I love you," you whispered.

"I love you too," he cried, stroking your hair back from your face.

Your body grew heavier against his, your eyes emptying of all light, and your hand fell from his.

Haldir let a great sob wrack his body as he lifted you from the ground and ran your body inside the fortress.

He gently slid his quaking fingertips over your eyelids, closing them for the last time.

He sobbed over your body, stroking your hair back, caressing your cold cheek.

Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, and Théoden stood behind him.

"May she find peace in death," Legolas whispered in elvish, tears stinging his eyes.

Tears stung Aragorn's eyes as well. You were a close friend of his, much like an older sister. Gimli's eyes were stinging with tears, too. Though he wouldn't admit it, you were a great lass.

Your body was brought back to your home in Lothlorien, carried on the golden shields of the elves. Haldir walking next to you, tears still streaming down his face.

He eventually faded because of his broken heart, only two days after your burial. He was buried next to you.



Be honest.

Who cried?

None of you ever comment! Are you crying too hard to see your keyboard, or something?! Even a simple 'yes' would make me happy. Virtually slap me for making you cry. Do SOMETHING!

It makes me feel like I'm talking to myself.

Which I do sometimes...

I never said that. ;)

✌️peace out! :)

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