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Wow. Long time no see, aye?

Credit to @remuslupinlover50 for the amazing idea.

~He is injured, and you save him.~

NOTE: The following events never really happened in the movies or books.


•••Faramir's POV•••

Going hunting alone probably wasn't the best idea. Especially when your horse bucks you off and you end up falling down a small cliff into a stream, one of your own arrows piercing your side. [Reference to a rather popular TV show!]

I grimaced, looking down at the tip of the arrow that was sticking out of my side. I cursed rather loudly, trying to pull myself out of the cold water. I cried out in pain, gripping my side. Bad idea. That was a bad idea, but it needs to be done before I catch a cold.

A rock at the bottom of the stream jolted the arrow, and I cried out in pain once again, before passing out.

•••Your POV•••

You admit it, walking through the forest alone isn't a good idea. You could be eaten, or kidnapped, or attacked, or get lost alone.

But you do it anyways. The sounds of the forest are so peaceful, and its full of amazing wildlife.

You heard a distant yell, your head snapping towards the direction it came from. Sounded like someone was startled, or in pain.

You bit your lip, debating on if you should go see if whoever it was needed help.

It could be something that wants to eat me, you thought to yourself. And I'd rather not be eaten or kidnapped.

You were about to turn back the way you came, and head back home, when a rather regal-looking horse with an extravagant saddle bolted past you, leaving you wide-eyed.

Someone definitely needs help, and whoever it is, is very important.

So you ran in the direction the horse came from, going faster when you hear another cry of pain.

You came to a small cliff, and you looked down, seeing a man lying in the water, fully clothed, with an arrow sticking out of his side. It was kind of obvious he wasn't taking a small dip in the stream.

The horse obviously bucked him off.

You carefully climbed down the rock, towards the man, quickly darting across the small strip of sand, and wading towards the man, grabbing hold of his ripped bicep and gently rigging him ashore.

He wore a vest bearing the Tree of Gondor, and was very handsome, despite the fact he was slightly pale from blood loss.

"If you can hear me, I'm going to help you, Sir!" You said, kneeling beside him. "I'm going to need to pull the arrow out, so it's going to hurt quite badly, I'm not going to lie."

You gripped the arrow, trying not to think about the fact it was forced through his side, and started counting down. "Three... two... one..."

You ripped it out in one quick, fluid motion, only receiving a small grunt and wince from the unconscious man.

You tore a strip off the bottom of your dress, and quickly wrapped it around his wound, applying pressure to stop the bleeding.

His eyes fluttered open. "Who are you?" He mumbled, slightly confused and in a little pain.

"I'm [Y/N], and I kinda, uh... saved your life?" You told him, saying it like it was more of a question.

He nodded slightly. "Well, thank you, Lady [Y/N]. I am Faramir."

You gasped. "The Steward's son?"

Faramir nodded, smiling slightly. "One of them. My older brother is Boromir."

You nodded, blushing. "What are you doing out here all alone, anyways?"

"I was just hunting a bit... wanted to be alone for a while."

"It's dangerous out here alone," you said, furrowing your brow.

"Then why are you out here? Are you with someone?" He retorted, smirking.

You blushed. "Er...no."

Faramir chuckled lightly.

You two stayed there, chatting idly.

A search group was sent out after Faramir's horse returned without a rider, and they found you two after about an hour and a half. Faramir had them escort you home, and he left you, with a promise that he'd be seeing you again real soon.


It really has been a while, hasn't it? Well, now that school's out for me, I hope to be writing a lot more, and finish some of my stories I have going on here.

But I kinda consider this book completed, seeing as it's just a bunch of imagines. But that doesn't mean I won't be Aladdin more to it, just that the updates will be a lot less frequent. Hopefully not by much this summer, but we'll see.

So don't delete this from your library yet!

I can't believe I have almost two thousand reads on this! Last time I checked, I had 190k! Thank you so much for reading and voting!

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