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~You ride out to battle with him.~

You met Faramir when you first accompanied Gandalf and Pippin to Gondor. Your eyes met his, and the whole world seemed to have melted away.

He couldn't keep his eyes off of you. You had a regal beauty about you. Sleek, wavy hair, a sturdy yet slim build. You walked with your head held high, like royalty.

Technically you are royalty. You are Aragorn's younger sister. He is sixty-two years older than you. Making you twenty-five.

You smiled softly at him as you dismounted your white stallion to stand by Gandalf and Pippin.

You were lead to the throne room, where Denethor, the steward of Gondor, sits on a black chair at the foot of the King's throne. Where Aragorn should rightfully be sitting on the end of all of this.

You were paying no attention to the conversation between your companions and the steward because you were too busy glancing at Faramir out of the corner of your eye. He was doing the same, making you blush slightly.

Denethor's voice brought you out of your stupor. "And what of the maiden?" He asked, eyeing you suspiciously. He didn't like the way you carried yourself...confidently, with an air of royalty.

Your eyes flashed dangerously. "I am [Y/N], daughter of Arathorn. Sister of Aragorn, the rightful King of Gondor."

Denethor's eyes widened, and he swallowed nervously.

Faramir was shocked. You are royalty.

And oh, so beautiful...


People were gathered at the sides of the streets, flowers in their hands.

The Soldiers were riding out to the city, to fight with the Uruks who had taken it over.

You were astride your stallion, trotting behind Faramir.

"[Y/N]! Please! Do not do this!" Gandalf begged, after pleading to Faramir. Pippin was looking up at you worriedly, his eyes frightened.

"This is my city, Gandalf. I will do what I can to protect it," You said, softly. You sped your horse up, passing the wizard, until you were next to Faramir.

"You are very brave," he said, looking at you.

"I'm no braver than any man who wears the armor of Gondor," you said, looking ahead.

"You are the princess, though. if you-"

"If I die, Aragorn will still become King. I do not fear death."

"What do you fear, then?"

"Being left alone."


The small army approached the city, and Faramir moved his horse close to yours.

"If I die, I want to do something first," he said, looking you in the eye.

"What would that be?" Instead of answering, he pressed his lips to yours gently, before pulling away. You gave him a soft smile which he returned.

"You will not die, Faramir."

"Nor you, [Y/N]," he said, taking your hand.

The men around you were being felled by arrows.

You fought, frantically slaughtering every beast in your way, Faramir next to you. Then blackness.


Cries of "Open the gates!" Was what Gandalf heard as he rushed down, followed by Pippin, to see if anyone was returning. To see if you were returning.

A horse came galloping in, roughly dragging two bodies behind it.

As it passed the wizard and the hobbit, he saw it was Faramir, and you. He noticed you two were holding hands.

Denethor lost it at the sight of his seemingly dead son. "My line is done!" He wept, tugging at his hair. "And our princess is dead as well!"

He lent over the wall. "Flee! Flee for your lives!" He yelled, before Gandalf smacked him with his staff.

The wizard walked over to your seemingly lifeless body, and placed his hand on your forehead. "She lives," he muttered. "Gondor's Princess lives!" He cried.

"Faramir is alive!" Pippin yelled.


You had been brought to a private healing room, unconscious as Denethor tried to burn himself and his son alive. He had seen that his youngest son is alive, seconds before catching fire. He fled from the top of the city, jumping to his death.

Faramir struggled to his feet. "[Y/N]?!" He cried. "Where is she?!"

Pippin happily led him to your room, before going back down to the battle.

"[Y/N]," he breathed, taking your hand in his. "My princess. Please wake up."

Please wake up.

You took a sudden deep breath, your eyes fluttering open, to be greeted with the watery gaze of Faramir.

"Faramir?" You mumbled, reaching your free hand up to cup his cheek. "Are we dead?"

He chuckled. "No. We survived. We're the only survivors."

You suddenly threw yourself into his arms, happy tears leaking from your eyes and soaking his tunic. "I love you," you mumbled into his neck. "I love you."

He wrapped his arms tightly around your waist, burying his face into your hair. "I love you, too, my princess." You chuckled, pulling back slightly from him.

You kissed him passionately, savoring every moment of being in his strong arms.



I have a new obsession with Faramir. He's just so...hot, handsome, good-looking, guapo, gorgeous...I could go on forever, but I won't.

So, in a few days (or weeks, seeing as school starts soon :P) I will be posting a Faramir/OC story.

Here's the summary:

|| What if there was another lost heir journeying to reclaim their homeland? What their city was taken over by the enemy?

Adrielle, Lady of Battle, is the rightful queen of Andurith. She has just about lost hope from ever reclaiming her city from the forces of Sauron. But when she meets the fellowship, and a certain youngest son of a crazy steward, her hope is rekindled.

And love is found... ||

Éowyn will indeed be in it, but it will most definitely NOT be a live triangle. Those are cliché.

I do think though...that Ol' Legolas is a tad lonely...and hot...

Mayyybeeee some Legowyn??

What do you think!?!?

Lemme know!!

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