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This takes place when Gandalf draws Saruman out of Théoden, only you are under Saruman's spell as well. I know it sounds a bit confusing, so just read it!


~Gandalf frees you from Saruman's spell.~


The last Aragorn saw of you, you were heading back to Rohan, your father's kingdom.

He hated to see you leave the safety of Rivendell, and had even tried to convince you to stay, but you would have none of that. You needed to protect your kingdom, be with your father, your brother, your cousins.

"I promise you, Aragorn," you had said, cupping his cheek. "Nothing bad will happen to me. I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself." You smiled at him, and he sighed, smiling slightly back at you.

He rested his large hand on the side of your head, tucking your hair behind your ear. "I know. I just worry about you. These are not safe times."

You kissed him softly, mounting your horse with ease. "I will see you soon, Aragorn. I love you."

"I love you, too." He watched as your party rode out of Rivendell, your long hair swinging back and forth as your horse trotted along the path.


Aragorn looked up at Rohan, his gaze following a flag as it ripped from its post and drifted through the wind, tangling in the tall grass outside the walls.

He, Legolas, Gimli, and Gandalf gave what weapons they had to the guards, before walking into the castle.

The first thing Aragorn saw was your father, Théoden, sat on his throne. He looked old, and very frail. As if someone could cause him to crumble to dust just by blowing on him.

Then Aragorn's eyes moved to the figure standing next to the throne.

He almost fell to his knees as he saw that you were standing beside your father, looking almost as sickly as he was. Your eyes were empty, your skin pasty, your hair almost white and coarse-looking.

He started forward for you, but Gandalf blocked his way with his staff, sending him a quick look.

"I will draw you, Saruman! As poison is drawn from a wound!" The old wizard chanted, holding his staff and free hand up.

Saruman was flung out of both you and your father, and you tottered on your feet, about to fall forward.

Gandalf finally let Aragorn run forward, and he caught you as you fell, gently kneeling to the floor and holding you in his lap.

Your hair soon became shiny and smooth again, gaining its original color back. Your skin gained its old color, and your eyes sparkled as you slowly came out of Saruman's spell.

"You...Aragorn..." you mumbled, reaching a hand up to cup his face. "I know you. What...what has happened?"

Aragorn helped you stand. "Saruman. He took over both you and your father, and Rohan. But he is gone from here, now. You are safe."

You hugged him tightly, burying your face into his chest as he rubbed his hands up and down your back.

You pulled back and kissed him, hard. "I've missed you, my love."

"As I you, [Y/N]. As I you."


I really had no idea how to end this, but I hope you liked it nonetheless!

The Tale of Twins should be getting updated soon, as should Return of the Queen, so be on a look out for those!

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