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~He finds you injured.~


Thranduil sighed, walking through the woods. Sometimes, he just needs an escape from the hustle and bustle of the kingdom.

Sure, he's going to be king of Greenwood one day, but it's just too much.

And especially since the Captain of the Guard went missing three days ago, there's already been much more works hat needs to get done.

He continued through the trees, ducking under branches and stepping over roots.

The sound of deep breathing reached his ears, and he slowed to a stop, furrowing his brow.

The breathing was ragged, as if whoever it was was sick, or injured.

He followed the sound, until the smell of blood reached his nose, and he could sense the person nearby.

"Hello?" He called softly, looking closely at the foliage.

A soft, feminine groan reached his ears, and his head snapped over to where t came from.

He looked behind a tree, and gasped.

The Captain of the Guard, [Y/N], lay against the tree, a sheen of sweat across her forehead, and her breathing shallow.

You were sick, that much was clear. But it was the large wound on your side that caused your ailment.

"[Y/N]!" Thranduil exclaimed, "What has happened to you?"

Your eyes cracked open, and you could make out the blue eyes and long blonde hair. "Thran...duil?" You breathed.

He crouched down next to you, and took your hand in his. "Yes, [Y/N]. Tell me what happened to you," he begged, his beautiful face contorted in a frown.

"Orcs..." you breathed, "I...was patrolling...they came...out of...no where," you gasped out, coughing weakly.

Your eyes closed, and your body slackened.

"I'm going to get you help," he told himself, gently but swiftly sliding his hands under your frail body and lifting your shaking body to his chest.

He ran you back to the palace, and brought to the healers.

He sat by your bedside for weeks, just waiting for you to wake up.

There was something about you.

Something about you that made him want to spend the rest of his life with you.

And he did.


Sorry for the crappy ending, I didn't know how to end it.

But, seriously guys. This is amazing.
30k reads. You guys made my day.

Keep it coming!

I love you guys!

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