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~You beat him at an archery competition.~

You greeted fellow elleths, grinning and laughing with a few old friends.

A horn blew, and you excused yourself, heading over to the archery range. There was only one other elf standing there, and your eyes widened upon seeing it was Prince Legolas.

"Our two competitors! Prince Legolas, and Lady [Y/N]! Let the Archery competition begin!"

You turned to each other, and bowed.

He was surprised at an elf maiden competing this year.

You were so amazingly beautiful, but didn't seem to care. Nor did you notice the elf men staring lustfully after you.

You each stood at your targets, and let your arrows fly.

The competition flew by and ended with you on the top.

"Our victor! Lady [Y/N]!"

Legolas gaped at you, and graciously bowed, and shook your hand. "You did well, My Lady."

You blushed. "Thank you, Your Highness."

He grinned, kissing your hand. "Please," he said, "call me Legolas."

"Only if you call me [Y/N]."

He grinned. "Well, [Y/N], perhaps you would like to join me for a stroll?"

You smiled, blushing. "It'd be my pleasure."

And thus was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.


Wow, this was crap.

You guys know the drill :)

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