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Alrighty, this idea has been stuck in my head for a while now, and it's not gonna go away until I write it.

~Shadow in the night.~

I've been getting a little dramatic with the title thingys, haven't I?

Oh, well.



Frodo awoke to the smell of a fire burning, and the sizzle of frying eggs.

He rolled over onto his back, and scrambled to his feet as he saw that Sam, Merry, and Pippin had built a fire. In the middle of the night. While they're trying to keep a low profile.

"What are you doing?! Put it out, you fools! Put it out!" He cried, stomping on the burning wood with his large hobbit feet.

They drew the swords strider had given him, and clambered to the top of the old watch tower, on their guard for any Black Riders.

Their breathing was fast and sharp, and they had their back to each other, listening and looking for any of the Ring Wraiths.

Hey appeared, and they scrambled around, fighting for their lives.

Frodo panicked, and slipped on the Ring.

Everything went white and dark great around him, distorted and what sounded like sharp winds blowing was all he could hear. The Ring Wraiths looked like ghostly kings, and he knew that they could see him.

One approached him, raising his sword to strike.

It was deflected by another, and he heard a woman grunt as she forced the Black Rider away from Frodo.

He slipped off the Ring, and watched wide-eyed as she fought them off.

She moved with the grace and agility of an elf, but something told him she wasn't. She had quick movements, but not as quick as an elf. Her midnight black hair was slightly tangled, and her black shirt, traveling pants, and matching black legging and boots were torn and dirty, as if she had traveled a great distance.

Her appearance reminded Frodo of a shadow in the night. He could see her face, very clearly, but at the same time he couldn't. He couldn't really explain it.

Strider appeared, momentarily stunned at the sight of the skilled woman fighting off the Black Riders, but quickly got to work, fighting them off with fire.

The Black Riders ran off, inhuman shrieks escaping them as they scrambled away.

The woman stood, panting, a few feet away from Strider.

"Who are you?" He asked, raising his sword slightly at him.

"I am [Y/N], of the Shadowfolk."

"The Shadowfolk? I thought they had passed into legend."

You turned your head to face him, dark eyes glinting from the light his torch gave off. "Funny. I had thought the same about the Dunedain."

"How do you-"

You cut him off. "I know what every race is just by looking at them. A skill the last of my kind has developed over the years. There are few of us left."

"How many?" Strider asked.

"About twenty, or so. But our numbers have risen considerably over the last one hundred years. We are making a comeback. One of the reasons I'm attending the council in Rivendell," you said, smirking at the slightly dazed look on the Ranger's face.

"You're attending the council?" He asked, feeling his heart start to thump wildly in his chest. You are just so beautiful...

"Yes. Would you mind if I accompany you the rest of the way?"

"Oh, no! Not at all!" Strider answered, smiling. He was acting like a lovesick teenager again.

You blushed. "We should make haste. The Riders will most likely be returning soon."

Strider nodded. "You're right. Lets go!" He ordered, addressing the hobbits.



You know Bilbo's speech in the first movie at his birthday party?? Well, I noticed at the end, before he disappears, he says:

"I bid you all a fond farewell."




I think I'll do a part two of this one. what do you think?

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