requested - Thorin

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My second request! Hope you like it!


Thorin's POV

I grabbed Mariah's hand before we charged onto the battle field.

"Stay safe, Mariah," I told her. "Please."

She kissed me quickly, "I will, Thorin. I promise."

We stood at the front of my army, sneering at the other armies standing in front of us.

Azog grinned maliciously at me, his eyes glancing to Mariah next to me, who had pulled her sword out and was holding it threateningly in front of her.

No way in hell.


Within the first ten minutes of battle, I had last sight of Mariah.

Cold, icy fear ran through me, and I looked around frantically.

My eyes skimmed over Azog, who's ax was raised over a small form.


A scream of pain and rage exploded from me as he brought his ax down on her.

I charged at him, beheading him in a single swipe of my sword, and knelt down next to Mariah, who was bleeding heavily from a deep fatal wound on her torso.

"Mariah," I choked out, taking her into my arms, and cradling her gently to my chest.

"Th-tho-orin," she choked out, feebly reaching her hand up to my cheek.

"It's okay, Mariah. You're okay. You're okay," I told her, tears running down my face.

"No I'm n-not, Tho-orin. Yo-ou know th-that."

"Don't say that," I begged, taking her cold hand in mine. "Please don't say that."

"I love you," she breathed.

"I love you too. I've always loved you. Ever since I laid eyes on you. I love you." I was sobbing now.

I pressed my lips to hers one last time.

When I pulled away, her eyes were closed, and her body was heavier.

She was gone.



Hope this wasn't too short, and I hope you liked it!

Don't forget to request! (One per reader, please! (: )

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