requested - Fili

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Hope you don't mind that I picked the name!


Twyla glanced over at Fili, blushing as he met her gaze.

Fili felt butterflies erupt in his stomach as soon as his eyes met her blue ones. She's just gorgeous; long, blonde hair. Amazing blue eyes. Rosy cheeks. A little button nose... Fili shook his head, clearing his muddled thoughts.

Why can't I just talk to her? He berated himself, furrowing his brow.

Because, an annoying voice in his head mocks, you're afraid to talk to a pretty girl!

His stomach fluttered again as he heard her twinkling laugh.

He spent the next few hours brooding over what he should do.

"Kili! Fili!" Thorin called, "you're on pony duty!" [a

: just imagine Thorin saying that...pony duty...I'll shut up, now. :)]

Kili and Fili made their way over to the ponies, only to discover a whole bunch were missing.

Thorin's gonna be pissed.

And that brings us to where we find Twyla dangling by her ankles above a troll's mouth.

Fili was furious. "Put her down!" He commanded.

The trolls ignored him, but before he could yell again, the big rock cracked, turning the trolls to stone.

Twyla was dropped twenty feet, and landed in a heap on the ground, silent and still.

"Twyla!" Fili cried, squirming in his sack, impatient to get to her.

Gandalf finally freed him, and he ran over to her, pulling her to his chest, and stroking her hair out of her face. "C'mon, Twyla," he begged, "wake up! Wake up! Please!"

Tears welled in Fili's eyes as Twyla remained unresponsive.

He hugged her tightly to him, burying his face in her soft blonde hair. "Twyla..." he whispered, "please."

The company(Bilbo included) surrounded them, heads down and hearts heavy.

A weak voice reached their ears.


Fili pulled back, and looked at Twyla in shock. "You're awake!" He cried, hugging her tightly. "You're awake."

Twyla hugged him back, nuzzling her face into his neck. "I know," she chuckled.

"I love you," he whispered in her ear.

"I love you, too."

She pulled back, looking into his eyes, before they leaned in, their lips meeting.



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