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~I'm going to let this one speak for itself...~

PS: get some tissues ready...

Aragon looked around for you, slightly panicked. You were next to him only seconds ago, stabbing Uruk-Hai in the face. You were known for your... aggressive... fighting tactics. But you only used them when necessary.

"Who is that?" Aragorn asked, looking over Lindir's shoulder. "she is human." Lindir smirked.

"That would be [Y/N]. She is quite gifted with a sword. She is on her way to practice now, I think. Would you like to watch?" Lindir asked, eager for Aragorn to meet you.

"Sure..." Aragorn said, walking with his elf friend to the practice field. Surely you can't be that good!

He was proved wrong when you effortlessly defeated everyone you sparred with. "Anyone else?" You called, adrenalin pumping through your veins.

"I challenge you," Aragorn said, standing. Lindir bit his knuckle in anticipation.

You were brutal, swinging your sword with the speed and aggressiveness of an elf.

You defeated him after ten minutes.

"I probably should have mentioned she is also known as the Lady of Battle around here," Lindir said, walking beside Aragorn.

Aragorn shot him a look. "You think?"

You had fought your way closer to one of the ladders, losing sight of your lover. Uruk-Hai after Uruk-Hai came at you, assuming that since you're a woman, you're weak. You didn't see that Uruk-Hai behind you.

You lie on the ground, moaning in pain, from the deep wound in your back. You could feel your strength leaving you, slipping through your fingers like water.

"Aragorn! Why must you chase away every male that comes near me?!" You demanded of your best friend, glaring at him, your arms crossed.

"Because!" He retorted, wracking his brain for an excuse, rather than telling you the truth.

"That's not a reason!" You rushed.

"Because I don't like them!"

You scoffed, rolling your eyes at the stubborn man in front of you. It's been ten years since you first met. "You don't even know them!"

Aragorn frustratedly tugged at his hair.

"Aragorn! Give me one good--" you were cut off. By him. Kissing you.

You were frozen for a second, and then began kissing him back, ecstatic that he felt the same...

"I think I'm in love with you, [Y/N]."

"I think I'm in love with you, too, Aragorn."

Aragorn was frantic now, looking for every where for you. Even a glimpse, to make sure you were alive.

"Aragorn! Get your men out of there!" Théoden yelled to him.

He called for his men to retreat.

"Aragorn," a voice behind him choked out. He turned, to see Gimli who was beside Legolas, who was holding your barely conscious body.

"[Y/N]," he breathed, taking you gently from Legolas's arms.

He brought you inside Helms Deep, gently laying you on the ground, and pulling you into his lap. "A-ara-g-gorn..." You choked out, clutching weakly at his tunic.

"Shh, [Y/N]. You'll be fine, you're gonna be alright," he said, sounding as though he was trying to convince himself.

"N-n-no I'm n-no-ot," you said, weakly crying out in pain as the wound on your back flared.

"Don't talk like that," Aragorn pleaded. "Please." He stroked the side of your face with his knuckles, tears dribbling down his face.

"Aragorn," you moaned, as he kissed your neck, gently pushing you against the wall to your room.

You brought his lips up to meet yours, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck as his hands gripped your waist, pulling you even closer to him, pressing his body into yours.

His tongue gently brushed against your bottom lip, and you parted your lips, letting his tongue hesitantly brush yours.

He picked you up, and you wrapped your legs tightly around his hips, moaning into the kiss.

He carried you across the room, where you fell into the bed...

"Stay with me, please! Please, [Y/N]!" Aragorn begged, cupping your cheek in his hand.

"I love you..." you whispered. He pressed his lips to yours, one last time.

You went limp in his arms, and Aragorn cried over your body, hugging you close to himself. "I love you, too. I love you, too," he sobbed.

Legolas gently laid a hand on his shoulder, tears streaming down his own face.

Even Gimli had tears leaking from his eyes.

Aragorn rode out with Théoden, anger burning within him. Anger at the Uruk-Hai for taking his beloved away from him.

Gandalf came with the Rohirrim, and helped to defeat the enemy, chasing them into the trees.

"Where is [Y/N]?" He asked, looking around, brow furrowed. "She would have ridden out with you." He looked up at Aragorn, and his eyes softened, seeing the tears welling in the man's eyes.

"Oh, no..."

Your body was brought back to Rivendell, your home, by the elves. They carried you in on a carrier made of their elven shields, your hands wound around your sword.

Elrond, your honorary father, rushed down, seeing they were carrying someone. Arwen followed, close behind. When they passed them, Arwen burst into tears, and all Elrond could do was hold his daughter close, staring blankly at the body of his adoptive daughter.

Aragorn wasn't the same after that, he was distant, but still a great leader nonetheless.

When the fellowship was reunited with Merry and Pippin, they both wept silently at the news of their friend's death.

When Frodo and Sam were reunited with the fellowship, they, too, grieved for the loss of their dear friend.

Aragorn returned to Rivendell, where he immediately went to your tomb.

"You will never be forgotten, my love. For my love for you will never fade," he pledged, wiping tears from his cheeks.


A/N: so...many...effing...tears!


Whoa, sorry for the caps lock.

But really. I made myself cry. While writing this. At 2:00 in the morning!


Wattpad is addictive.

So... I'm sorry if I made any of you cry. But I kind of find these types of imagines romantic, in a way.

To me, anyways.

I mean, you guys died three times so far in this book!

Sorry. Too soon?

I promise, the next few will not want to make you cry your eyes out. Unless they're tears of joy, cuz you know...that's not bad.

You peeps are awesome sauce!!!!

✌️peace out!

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