~ legolas ~

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Hi we hit 500k views so I figure why not drop 2 in the same day??

Again, no clue how this ended this way but here

~ real ~

You subconsciously shifted closer between your older brothers, your head tilted back to take in the great forest before you. Unbeknownst to you, your brothers looked to each other from over your head, brows furrowed in obvious worry. They shifted a bit closer, hands gently gripping your shoulders in a protective manner.

"I don't like it," you said, nose scrunching in distaste. "There's something wrong with this forest."

"Yeah, there's elves in it," Gloin muttered, crossing his arms.

You followed your uncle into the forest, Fili and Kili on either side of you the entire way through so far.

Your head was spinning, and you felt drowsy. You slumped over onto a root of a giant tree, trying to keep yourself awake as the company started arguing amongst themselves.

"Quiet!" Thorin demanded, resulting in an immediate silence. "We're being watched."

Your brow furrowed, head tilting to the side. You didn't seem to notice as Fili and Kili came to stand beside you, hands on their weapons as they looked around, peering into the trees.

But they came from above—giant spiders.

You jolted forward as one jabbed you in the back with its venom, a soft yelp escaping you as you fell to the forest floor.


Your brothers' voices echoed in your head as everything went black.

You awoke to the sensation of falling, branches and twigs snapping into you as you made your descent to the forest floor, your vision obscured by a thick webbing that seemed to be cocooned around your entire body. Spiders, you remembered, fighting to free yourself.

The webbing was peeled from your face and light filtered in. Your brothers stood above you, peeling the webbing from your body.

"C'mon [Y/N]! Fight!" Fili shoved your sword into your hand and turned to fend off a giant arachnid. You clambered to your feet, sending your sword into the head of a spider that got too close.

Your head was much clearer now, you noticed, helping a bunch of the company pull the legs off one spider. Much clearer to you than before that the company had been captured by the spiders.

You'd stabbed your sword through several more arachnids by the time an elvish arrow had pierced through the head of one of the spiders, the elven guard finally making an appearance.

You had gotten separated from your brothers in the fray, and craned your neck to look around for them when you were sent sprawling onto your back by a spider. Your sword was knocked a good foot or so from your reach, and spider crawled over you, pincers snapping threateningly in your face as a cry escaped you.

"[Y/N]!" You could hear your brothers calling for you, fear laced in their voices.

Your fingers just grazed the hilt of your sword, and you made a mad grab just as the spider lunged downwards.

Your sword pierced through its head seconds before an arrow was embedded in it. You were gasping for breath, clambering out from under the giant dead spider and whipping your sword from its head and whirling around to face whoever had shot the elvish arrow.

A tall elf with straight, white-blonde hair and sharp blue eyes stood before you, aiming his notched arrow between your eyes.

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