requested - Éomer

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Lily-Rose's POV

Our army cheered as the enemy retreated, running away with their tails between their legs (some quite literally).

We gathered our - thankfully few - dead, and made our way back to Rohan, where we have been taking refuge since Sauron has taken over our own city.

"Well done, Captain!" A few of my fellow elves clapped me on the shoulder, and I just smiled, making my way through the crowd.

There was someone I wanted - no, needed - to see.

"Lily!" I turned my head to see my great friends Legolas and Tauriel come my way.

"Glad to see you two got out okay!" I said, hugging them briefly.

Tauriel laughed. "There's a ball tonight to celebrate our victory. You must come!"

I smiled, shaking my head. "Only if I get asked, Tauriel."

Legolas chuckled. "Of course you'll get asked! You're beautiful, Lily-Rose. You'll have men lined up for miles waiting to ask you."

I just laughed. "I have to find someone. I'll see you two later."

Tauriel smirked. "Would this someone happen to be tall and blonde and the certain nephew of King Théoden?"

I playfully smacked her arm. "Shut up."

I heard them chuckling as I walked away, searching the crowd of people for a familiar face.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder, and I whipped around, coming face-to-face with exactly who I was looking for. "Éomer!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around his neck.

"Lily-Rose!" He replied in the same tone, wrapping his strong arms around my petite waist.

When we parted, he was suddenly all red and fidgety. "Uh...there's to be a ball tonight..."


"Would you, perhaps, accompany me?" His face turned even redder.

"I would love to, Éomer!" I said, hugging him.

When we pulled away, he kissed my cheek. "I cannot wait for tonight," he said, smiling, before turning to talk with Théoden.

"Me too," I whispered, long after he had disappeared.

"Told you you'd get asked."

"Legolas! Not the time!"



Hope you liked it!

Sorry it's a tad bit late, though. Stupid homework. We're reading the Odyssey in English, and it's the most time-consuming thing ever!

Curse you, Homer! And all you're little translators, too!

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