~ thranduil ~

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~ the singing thief ~

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Your [E/C] eyes glimmered as you peered down from the tops of the trees at the tops of the elves' golden heads

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Your [E/C] eyes glimmered as you peered down from the tops of the trees at the tops of the elves' golden heads. They'd been out for well over an hour now, searching for someone.

That someone being you.

You never left them anything to follow; no tracks, notes, signs—nothing. And that severely frustrated them. Not to mention the King, who had been after you for months now.

"Gah!" You cried out, an arrow piercing your shoulder from behind. Your hand went up to clutch your arm, and you were slammed against the tree before you could rip the arrow out. The shaft broke against the trunk, sending the rest of the arrow deeper into your shoulder.

A hand pinned you to the tree by your neck, threatening to restrict your breathing.

You were looking into the cold, steely blue eyes of the woodland prince.

"Finally," he growled. "The King has been wanting to meet you for a long time."

You struggled feebly against him, which is when he cared enough to give you a once-over.

He then looked confused. "You're just a human. Bu—"

"Your highness! We must go!" One of the guards below called.

Legolas grabbed you by the bicep and pushed you in front of him, out of the tree where the guard caught you and kept you on for feet, holding you firmly in place.

A guard came forward, and bound your wrists, roughly jolting your wounded shoulder. They led you through the forest, occasionally jolting your wounded shoulder in an attempt to get a ride out of you, but you would only clench your jaw and keep your eyes focused straight ahead.

The troop of guards stopped before a set of elegant doors, staying behind with you as Legolas entered, glancing over his shoulder to give you a cold look. You didn't react, trying to show them you didn't care.

"Legolas, what is it?" Thranduil asked boredly, looking up from a scroll he was bent over.

"The thief," Legolas said, "we caught her."

Thranduil stood, a single eyebrow raised. "You have, have you? Bring her in," he growled. "I wish to lay eyes on this thief."

Legolas gave his father a single nod, turning to the doors. He opened them both, and gestured to the guards for them to bring you forward.

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