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Alright, so I just watched an extremely emotional episode of Glee on Netflix, and cried like thirty times during it. Then I went into my room to listen to music to try and stop crying, but that backfired when that dang Billy Boyd song came on, the Last Goodbye.

So I decided to let out all my emotions in this imagine. I recommend a truck load of tissues.

~Just a memory...~

Legolas ran his hand over his face as he sat on his bed in his temporary room in Gondor, falling backwards and dropping his head onto his pillow.

It was a queen-size bed, enough room for two people to sleep in it.

But tonight, one side would be cold.

Legolas rolled over onto his side, squeezing his eyes shut.

Your face flashed before his eyes, smiling and bright, your eyes twinkling as you laughed, swinging his hand back and forth as you held it.

Then everything flashed again, and your face was blank, your eyes glassy as you lay lifeless on the bloodstained ground.

Legolas tore his eyes open, rolling over onto his other side and staring at the stone wall.

He could have saved you.

He could have been there.

It's his fault. His fault for leaving you alone, his fault for not getting to you in time, his fault for that orc scum being able to get away.

Your tinkling laugh echoed in his ears, and he felt your soft hand grip his.

He looked down at his hands.

They were empty.

They no longer held your hand, or caressed your cheek, or lifted you into the air. They no longer twisted through your hair, or tickled your sides.

Tears stung Legolas' eyes, and he sniffed, burying his face in the pillow in an attempt to silence his sobs and dry his tears.

You were no longer with him.

You were gone.

You were taken from him, so soon, so suddenly.

Now you're just a memory.

A memory that Legolas will never forget. He will cherish all his memories of you for as long as he shall live.

Which will be a long, long time.

Elves are immortal, after all.



So... that happened.

Sorry about all the deep, dark, and depressing imagines, and that this one was really short. Though, that's probably a good thing.

The Tale of Twins should be updated soon.

Good night!

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