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~You kill Smaug~

You ran with Bard, your mind whirring over the fact he has a black arrow. You can hear men yelling for Bard and you knew they wanted him arrested. He pulled you aside and gave you the black arrow, and looked into your eyes.

"Don't let them find this," he said.

"Bard-!" He pressed his lips to yours, and ran back the way you came. You gently pressed your fingers to your lips, stunned.

You ran, looking for a place to hide the arrow. A huge roar pierced through the air, and screams rang out.

Too late. Smaug is here.

You ran through a crowd of the townsfolk, who were running in the opposite direction.

You tripped, and looked up, catching sight of the wind lance. You could do it. You are the best archer in Laketown. But if you fail...the town's last hope will be gone.

You climbed up to the wind lance, just as Smaug flew over the town, breathing fire. It was so hot, you could feel the heat from up there.

You loaded the black arrow into the lance. You just needed lizard breath to fly towards you.

"Hey!" You yelled. "Lizard face! Yeah! I'm talking to you, Big and Ugly!" Well, that certainly got his attention.

He roared, turning to you. The town was burning, and the wind created by his giant wings wasn't helping. The heat was blown straight into your face.

Smaug roared again, dangerously close to you. You could see the dark spot on his left side. You only have one shot.

Fire was building in his stomach, and you took aim. And fired.

Smaug roared, and fell into the buildings as the momentum from his flight spurred him forwards. Straight for you.

You screamed, and leapt from the wind lance, and into the ruins of a burned house, the roof collapsing on top of you.

Bard's POV

The town is in ruins. Bain, Sigrid, and Tilda are fine, alive. But where's [Y/N]?

I went around town, calling her name.

"Bard!" I turned to see Mrs. Druing looking at me. "My son saw her jump from the wind lance tower, into Mr. Hobbler's house. The roof collapsed."

I started running. "Thank you!" I called over my shoulder.

I made it to Hobbler's house, and started digging through the rubble. "[Y/N]! Where are you?! [Y/N]!" I heard a low moan. "[Y/N]!" I pulled her free, and cradled her to my chest.

People started gathering around, with solemn faces.

The thirteen dwarves and the hobbit were at the front. Tears were rolling down most of their faces. Three of them had their heads down.

I cradled her sooty cheek in my hand. "Please, [Y/N]," I whispered.

She groaned, and her beautiful eyes opened. "Bard? Is...is Smaug dead?"

I laughed, and hugged her. "Yes. You did it." I stood, holding her. "She's alive! Smaug's Killer is alive!" I gently set her on her feet.

The crowd cheered, and the dwarves came up to us. The leader, Thorin, knelt down in front of her. "We are forever in your debt, [Y/N] of Esgaroth."

She smiled. And I dipped her, kissing her roughly.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

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