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~You are Fili and Kili's little sister, and you're killed at Azog and Thorin's confrontation at the cliff~

You may want some tissues...

You are holding onto the tree branch for dear life. You clawed at it, trying to get a better grip.

"Hang on, [Y/N]!" Fili called, slowly moving from branch to branch, trying to get to you.

"Not much else I can do!" You yelled back, kicking your feet, still trying to get up. You hear a crack, and you freeze, looking to wear the branch attaches to the tree. It creaks again. And breaks.

You scream, expecting to fall, but someone grabs ahold of your arm. You look up to see Fili, who is laying in his stomach, arm outstretched.

You breathe a sigh of relief as he pulls you onto the trunk of the tree, and hugs your shaking body. You keep mumbling 'thank you,' until you hear someone walk by.

You remove your face from your oldest brother's neck and see your Uncle walking towards land, sword drawn. "Uncle?" You called, letting Fili tug you to your feet. Kili came up next to you, and put a hand on your shoulder.

Thorin turned around only long enough to send the three of you a reassuring smile.

Then, he charged Azog. You watched, in horror, as the only father figure in your life was knocked unconscious.

You turned and buried your head in Kili's shoulder, not being able to watch.

"Bilbo!" You heard Kili yell. You turned back to see Bilbo tackle the Orc off of Thorin, and behead him.

You sighed in relief, but it faded as soon as you saw the other dwarves charge the orcs.

Kili and Fili hid you behind a rock, and went to help. You were shaking in fear. You can hear all the yelling, and the clashing of swords only occurring yards from where you were hidden.

Heavy footsteps were heard getting closer, and you sucked in a breath, wrapping your hand around the hilt of your sword. The footsteps stopped, along with your breathing.

You were suddenly lifted from the ground, and spun around to look into the hideous face of an orc.

"A tiny she-dwarf, aye?" He sneered, grinning maliciously. "I haven't tasted one of you before!"

You swung your sword desperately, only to have it knocked from your hand.

"Kili! Fil-" The orc clamped a hand over your mouth, and threw you to the ground.

Kili and Fili heard your scream, and looked around desperately for you. They turned towards the rock they hid you behind, only to see an orc raising his sword high above a tiny figure.

"No!" They yelled, running for you.

They didn't reach you in time.

The sword plunged through your stomach, making you scream. You blacked out, the last thing you saw were giant talons closing around you.

Fili and Kili were screaming, desperately clawing at the talons of the giant eagles holding them. Tears were streaming down their faces.

"[Y/N]!" The other dwarves winced at the grief and desperation in Fili's voice. Kili was crying too hard to say anything. His eyes were locked on your limp body.

The eagle gently lays your body a few feet away from your unconscious uncle.

Your brothers landed on the Carrock, and immediately ran to you.

"Kili...Fili..." You reached your shaking, cold hand towards them, and Kili took it, clasping it in both of his warm hands.

Fili stroked your cheek with his thumb. You smiled faintly at them, your eyes glassy. "I...love...you guys..." Your eyes fluttered closed, and your hand went limp in Kili's.

Fili leaned his ear against your chest, listening for the sound of your heart. Silence.

"She's g-gone," he choked, tears pouring from his eyes. Kili let out a strangled sob, and clutched your hand to his chest. The brothers cradled your body between them, crying into your hair.

Gandalf woke Thorin up, and your uncle immediately looked to wear his entire company was gathered. His company made way for him to get through.

He felt someone just punched all the air from his lungs. He fell to his knees, and hugged his nephews, stroking your hair back from your forehead.

You've been more of a daughter than a niece to him, and he had promised Dis, your mother - and his sister, that you would return unharmed. He cried, realizing you wouldn't be returning. At all.

They buried you at the edge of Mirkwood. Kili, Fili, and Thorin swore that they would return for you, and give you a proper burial. As Princess of Erebor, a tomb would be built in your honor.



Wow. Sorry it's so depressing. Did any of you cry? I promise the next one won't be so sad.

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The White Rider (Thorin Oakenshield)

Girl of the Fellowship (Legolas)

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