Chapter 1

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Doctor: Hank I'll admit it Hank, it's not looking good for you. I can recommend you working again, but there will be limitations.
Hank: How bad is it?
Doctor: Cancer, it's starting to spread too.
Hank: How long do I have?
Doctor: I would give you about a year, chemotherapy might add a few extra months but it's not worth it.
Hank: Thank you!
Doctor: I'm sorry I didn't have better news for you. I have to go report to the commander now. I'm really sorry Hank.

The doctor left the room to go inform the commander. For the commander this was a victory. He had been waiting for a moment like this to shut down the intelligence unit. Since Hank is sick they finally got their wish.

Trudy: So the word is intelligence is coming to an end.
Hank: Yea it is, when I talked to the board the other day I gave them someone to replace me. So now we just gotta wait.
Trudy: Who did you suggest? Antonio or Jay?
Hank: neither I suggested Erin. She been doing some amazing work in New York, I think she could really would do wonders here.
Trudy: Do you really think she would come back it's been what 3 years.
Hank: Yea, I think she would. Do me a favor and call her for me?
Trudy: alright, you gets some rest and I'll call her.
Hank: Thank you.

Hank laid in his hospital bed hooked up to several machines. Trudy left the hospital and went sat in her car. This was hard for her too, Hank is her best friend. Trudy couldn't imagine a life without her best friend, so she called Erin.

Erin: Hello!
Trudy: Hey Er!
Erin: Trudy , How are you?
Trudy: Im doing good Er, how are you?
Erin: I'm great, just exhausted. (Bia No throwing your food)
Trudy: who's Bia ?
Erin: My Daughter!
Trudy: Your what, Errr why didn't you say anything?
Erin: Cause I was told not to look back, so I haven't.
Trudy: I hate to do this to but Hank needs you in Chicago.
Erin: How come?
Trudy: He's sick, and it's best if he tells you in person. I'll keep your secret, but it might be great for everyone to see you.
Erin: I'm not sure about that I did leave I pretty terrible notes.
Trudy: They'll forgive, but try to be here at least by tomorrow.
Erin: I'll see what I can do, Thank you Trudy! ( Say bye bye)
Bia: By by!
Erin: Good job Bia !
Trudy: sounds like an amazing little girl!
Erin: That she is! I'll see you tomorrow, I'll figure out the flight.
Trudy: I'll see you tomorrow!

Erin hung up the phone and immediately started looking for a flight home. Her dad needed and she really needed to be there for him.

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