Chapter 27

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Erin: Ummm.....
jay: Be honest with me?
Erin: At first I was kinda sad, then angry, but then I was okay because you must've found someone worth marrying.
Jay: she wasn't worth marrying, I never thought about marrying her. When everyone was saying they got letters from you and I didn't, I wanted to make you jealous. I was hurt, i figured you didn't care about me. So right after everyone announced they got a letter I called the guys into the break room and told them. I will admit that for a long time I never thought I'd see you again. I don't think I would've been able to marry anyone else, I mean you left a pretty big hole in my heart to fill.
Erin: I understand that, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. I really was in love with you Jay, but after writing you for 2 whole years and no response that was a whole new level of hurt. Then going through chemo, I needed you by my side more than ever. So when you weren't there I gave up hope for us, but not for our daughter. The only thing I was sure about was that our daughter knew who you were. I can say I am happy that you finally started opening up more.
Jay: Yea, well 2 years of therapy would do that for you. I do have a question does anyone else besides me and mouse know about when you had cancer?
Erin: No, I didn't want anyone to know, only reason mouse know is cause he was living with me and helping take care of Bia while I got treatment. I told you because I didn't know if I would make it out alive. She couldn't live her whole life with mouse, our sweet baby girl would've needed her dad too. Can you grab our sleeping kid in the back seat, and I'll go put our name down for 3.
Jay: Okay!

Erin walked in the restaurant and requested a table for a party of 3, there was less than a 5 minute wait. After they were seated they ordered their drinks and then an appetizer to split. Bia had woken up when the waitress brought her a princess coloring sheet. Bia started coloring, and then she asked Jay to color with her, and it was the cutest thing to see. Erin took her phone out as if she was texting but she actually snapped a picture of the 2. In the picture Jay was looking directly at Bia, and with a beautiful smile on his  face listening to her talk about the princess. She was going on and on about it, she really loved princesses. This was a priceless moment for her. The waitress returned with their appetizers and drinks. They talked and ate their appetizers, and after they finished they placed their order. Erin also ordered Hanks soup, but told the waitress to hold off until they were almost finished with their meal. As time went on the got their food and and finished it, when the waitress returned she brought Hanks soup and the check. Jay grabbed the check before Erin, so he paid before should could say anything. As the waitress picked up the checkbook Jay received a text from Trudy, requesting that they meet at the district as soon as possible.

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