Chapter 16

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Hank: Hey guys, I need to talk to you about something........

Jay: What's going on?
Hailey: Are you okay?
Hank: Yea, I'm doing good today.
Kim: Then what did you wanna talk about?
Hank: if you all stop interrupting me, I would tell you that my proxy and I have spoken and I have chosen to fight this monster.
Jay: Are you serious, you going to fight it!
Hank: Yea, I want to be around to watch my g... I just don't leave Erin by herself not right now.
Jay: Wow... for Erin, what about us? Why aren't you fighting to stay alive for us?
Hank: Cause she my kid and she needs me.
Hailey: Where has she been since you've gotten your diagnosis, huh where, not here?
When she left she chose not to look back. No contact nothing at all. Everyone said Erin comes back for the important people in her life, she wasn't here when Jay needed her, she wasn't here when you got sick.
Kim: Eri.....
Hank: Kim don't do it......

Out of nowhere.....

Bunny: HANKKKKK, where is she? I wanna see her.

Hank: Shit, I don't feel like dealing with her again.
Bunny: HANK, where is Erin, and my granddaughter.
Hank: Trudy, Go get her.
Jay: what did she say?
Bunny: I know she dropped you off here, where did she go? HANKKKK!
Jay: Erin's here?
Kim: Y....
Hank: Kim don't!
Hailey: Don't what?
Kim: Ye....
Hank: She said we can't.
Jay: what the hell is going on?
Bunny: Erin's back in town and Hank won't tell me where she went.
Jay: Is it true, she's back?
Hank: Fuck, Bunny leave...NOWWW!
Bunny: Ha.....
Hank: I don't wanna hear it, leave and I better not catch you here again. Trudy, I'm done here, can you call her and tell her to come pick me up.
Jay: Are you kidding me, So she's back?
Hank: Who the hell do you think has been taking care of me these last few months. When I was rushed to the hospital cause I was coughing up blood, who do you think made the fucking call. Who do you think was in the hospital with me. Huh, was it you Jay, what about you Hailey, what about you Adam?
Jay: I....
Hank: None of you besides Trudy, and Kim has even checked in on me. Erin has been here since I was diagnosed, hasn't left my side yet. She told me I had a reason to fight this and you get pissed off because she left 3 years ago and she still has an input. She my kid, yes I will value her opinion over yours Halstead. You hate her so much but it was you that left her. You've tried so hard for the last 3 years to push Erin so far out of your head, but that's not all you pushed out of your life. You also push......
Erin: Hank don't you dare say it!

Jay felt all the oxygen leave his body when he saw her. The woman he tried so hard for 3 years to push out of his head, was now standing in front of him. He was taken back by her appearance, he almost forgot Hank was about to say something.

Jay: I pushed who out?
Hank: you Pushed out y......
Erin: Dad please don't do this.....
Bunny: Jay's her dad?...
Erin: We need to go now, dad please.
Bunny: Erin he's n.....
Erin: Shut it bunny, I don't ever wanna see you again.
Bunny: You can't keep me from my granddaughter forever.
Jay: I... I have a daughter?
Hailey: Ja....

Erin and Hank started walking out the district. Hailey was holding Jay's arm when he pulled it out of her embrace. He rushed down the stairs of the district, and the team following right behind him. Erin helped Hank into a running car, after she closed Hanks door he approached her and grabbed her shoulder roughly. The man in the backseat of the car hopped out.

Erin: Don't touch me!
Jay: Is it true, I have a fucking daughter?
Erin: I..I Can't...
Jay: What the hell you mean you can't?
Man: Back off, Erin get in the car. I told you when you find the truth your gonna feel like an asshole. So for now leave her alone, and figure out where you fucked up at, and for God sake read the damn letters.........

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