Chapter 6

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Erin had pack some of hers and Bias's clothing. Erin really didn't put a time table on how long she wanted to stay in Chicago. The only thing she was sure of was that no one could know that she was in Chicago, Trudy, Hank and Kim were the only exceptions.

Later that afternoon Erin and Bia arrived at O'hare Airport, and Trudy had picked them up again. She brought them to Hanks house to drop off their things before they headed off to the hospital. The team had left a while ago, so Erin wouldn't have to worry about running into anyone.

Hank: Hey kiddo, I see you made it back.
Erin: yea we did, this was her first time flying so she was very excited.
Hank: I bet she was, now I can see my granddaughter.
Erin: Yea, she coming in with Trudy..
Trudy: aren't you the prettiest little princess. Er.. you have the most adorable little girl...
Erin: Thank you.... I'm lucky to have this pretty little princess. Come on Bia, let's go see papa Hank....
Bia: Yayyyy pa pa Hank!!!
Erin: Good job....Say hello!
Bia: Hellooo!
Hank: Hello pretty girl, gosh Erin she's gorgeous...
Erin: Thank you! I like to think she gets her cuteness from me..
Trudy: She does... she's a splitting image of you...
Hank: She really is, she has your dimples, eye shape, Hair, and cheeks.. but I can also see him to.
Trudy: Who's him?
Erin: Look at her closely and I'm quite sure you can figure it out...
Trudy: okay....  I see green eyes, your nose, wait is that freckles...... OH MY GODDD.... she's yours and chuckles?
Erin: Yup...
Trudy: Does he know?
Erin: Nope!
Trudy: Are you gonna tell him?
Erin: I already did.
Trudy: Wait Im confused you told him, but he doesn't know..How?
Erin: I couldn't call him, so I decided to Write him letters. I'll be honest, at first I wasn't gonna tell him, but the moment the nurse placed her in my arms I knew I had to tell him. I've been sending letters every month since that moment. If he had bothered to open any of the letters he would know about his beautiful daughter....
Trudy: I wanna give him a piece of my mind!
Erin: No you won't, only 3 people in Chicago know about her, and that won't change until Jay reads the Hank, when are you getting out of here!
Hank: Hopefully tomorrow, I wish I could leave tonight..
Erin: You better take advantage of having these nice nurses... cause Bia will keep you on your toes.
Trudy: alright Er, it's late and if you wanna avoid the nurses we better leave now.
Erin: okay, Well goodnight Hank, and I'll see you at home tomorrow. I love you!
Bia: lub you!
Hank: I love you both too.

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