Chapter 23

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Erin: Jay listen I........
Jay: Please Erin, I really need to talk to you.
Erin: Umm okay, where do you wanna talk at?
Jay: We can walk to the ice cream shop around the corner and then to the park.
Erin: Fine, let me get my shoes.
Jay: Thank you!

While Erin turned around to go grab her shoes Bia ran up to her, she said "mommy go bye bye" and Erin simply said I'll be back.

Hank: Where you going kiddo?
Erin: To speak with Jay, can you keep and eye on her. If she gets tired mouse knows what to do. With that statement Jay felt a crack in his chest, another man hell his best friend knew his daughter better than him. It was just one of the many things he would have to live with.

Erin: Are you ready to go?
Jay: Yea!
Erin: What did you wanna talk about?
Jay: First I owe you a serious apology, if I would've known you know I would've been there.
Erin: I thought I did know, but I was wrong soo wrong.
Jay: I never got the Letters, I guess after my bender Hailey found the letters and started hiding them. I didn't know about the letters until a couple days ago.
Erin: Honestly it doesn't matter anymore Jay, I held out for so long that it started breaking me. I've made my peace with this situation, I thought I could come out here and talk to you but I can't. There's to much hurt.....
Jay: Tell me then?
Erin: I can't, I've spent the last 2 years trying to let you in but not a single letter, card or nothing from you literally broke me Jay.
Jay: I'm sorry....
Erin: I'm tired of hearing that, yes Jay you are sorry.

They both walked into the ice cream shop and got them some ice cream. After they purchased it they headed down the street to the park. The tension between the 2 was still so high, so Jay decided to speak again.

Jay: Er, I promise if I would've known I would've been there. I know that's hard to believe, but when we were together before the spiral I always thought it would be me and you against the world. I let my demons get in the way of my happiness and us.

Jay sat next to Erin eating his ice cream, but when he looked at her he saw tears coming down her eyes.

Jay: What's wrong Er?
Erin: I needed you Jay.
Jay: I know!
Erin: I needed you and you didn't come, we both needed you. All those nights I spent wishing and praying you would come home to us and you didn't. I needed you by my side when I found out about my cancer. I needed you Jay, I wanted you there so bad, but you wasn't. I loved you through the all that hurt, but then I broke.
Most of the team told me what happened when I left, but I want you to tell me?
Jay: I.. I umm!
Erin: Well!
Jay: After you left I hit rock bottom, I crossed a line with suspect. Then I started drinking heavy, lying to the team, Al died and then my dad died. I felt so lost so I went into a complete downward spiral. It took a lot of people to pull me out of this, even Hank had a hand in helping. Umm Hailey she was the one that really helped me out, after about year me and her started dating. I did end things with her this morning.
Erin: Don't end your relationship on my account, waiting 2 years for someone gives you a lot of perspective.
Jay: Er I'm sorry!
Erin: I'm tired of hearing that Jay. I can't fix the past, and I can't stand in the way of you wanting to get to know your daughter.
Jay: I just have 2 question.
Erin: what is it?
Jay: Why didn't you call?
Erin: I can't speak about why, but it would affect everyone. What's your second question?
Jay: What else happened in New York, that you didn't write in the letters?
Erin: a lot happened, unlike you I couldn't spiral I had to be level headed for our daughter. After she was born I did go through postpartum depression. If mouse wasn't there, I probably wouldn't be here today.

At this point Erin was full on crying. Telling Jay everything that has happened in the last 2 years was more than she bargained for.

Erin: after Bia got her 12 month old check up is when I found out about cancer. That was the worst day of my life, I didn't know how bad it was gonna get. I was so afraid to leave Bia all alone. The late nights staying up because I was to sick to sleep, or the cold to move. Hell I was rushed to the emergency room a few time because I passed out. You don't understand how badly I needed you there Jay.
Jay: I wish I was there for you, to learn that for the 2 years you've been going through so much was a lot. I did see the video where Bia had something called croup cough, is she okay now?
Erin: Yea, but a few days ago she was rushed to the emergency room.
Jay: Wait what, why what happened?
Erin: She was teething, and her temperature spiked really high. She had a febrile seizure, but she is going to be fine.
Jay: I know I have a lot of making up to do, but I promise I will be there this time. I know this is a lot to ask but can I meet her?
Erin: She's your daughter to, of course you can see her. Mouse should be bringing her around in a little bit.
Jay: So you 2 really became best friends!
Erin: Only 3 men have seen me at my highs and lows, mouse is one of them. So yes he's become someone I can really count on.
Jay: I'm glad you have him.

Erin looks over Jay's shoulder to see mouse and Bia walking towards them. Jay turns around to see This beautiful little girl walking with his former bestfriend.

Bia: mommy!!
Erin: hi princess!

Bia looked at Jay, she and was about to say something but she froze. She had gotten nervous so she turn her head and looked away.

Erin: Bia, come on princess. I want you to meet someone.
Bia: No!
Erin: Bia look at me!

Erin and Bia was looking directly at each other, and then Erin pulled a paper out of her pocket.

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