Chapter 40

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-unknown- I heard you live in New York, I think it's time I paid you a visit!!!!!
-Erin- Who is this?
-unknown- You know who it is, I heard you have a little girl now.
-Erin- This isn't funny, Who the hell is this?
-unknown-I'll see you soon!

Erin walked into Hanks room with a confused but disturbed look. Hank was the first to notice, then jay and the rest of the team. She didn't want to say anything but they kinda forced her hand with it.

Hank: What's wrong, you act like you saw a ghost?
Erin: No I didn't, but someone just texted me from an unknown number. I honestly don't know who it is.
Jay: What did they say?
Erin: who ever it is knows I live in New York, and that I have a daughter.
Hank: Did they say anything else?
Erin: That they would see me soon!
Mouse: Give me the number I can possibly track it, or see if I can at least get a location.
Erin: Thank you!
Kim: We'll figure out who tryna play these games.
Erin: I hope we do too!

The team spent the next few hours hanging out with Hank, everyone was filling him in on what they had been doing. Kevin and Trudy went visited the Statue of Liberty while Kim and Adam visited Times Square. Erin, Jay and Bianca visited the zoo, it was one of her favorite places. After telling Hank about there adventures, Hank told them all to go home and get some rest. No one wanted to leave but eventually they did, Trudy decided to hang back and stay with him.

Trudy: So, How do you really feel?
Hank: Like shit, I hate being sick all the time. The doctor said the next round is gonna be way more intense.
Trudy: Are you ready for that?
Hank: Honestly no, but I have to be especially if I want to beat this. If Erin can beat this, so can I.
Trudy: We just gotta have faith, your as strong as they come.
Hank: Thanks Trudy, I just wanna get better so I can be there for Erin and Bianca.
Trudy: I know you do and you will. Since you brought Erin up let's talk about her.
Hank: What do you wanna talk about?
Trudy: What do you have against her and Halstead?
Hank: I have nothing against them.
Trudy: That's bull crap and you know it, I saw how you looked them at the house, and at the game.
Hank: I just want her to be happy!
Trudy: She is more than happy, she's in love.
Hank: I know she is.
Trudy: Hank...
Hank: She told me she was happy, and that is was because of him. He loves her too, she told me the proof of their love is Bianca. I truly believe that now, and I know it won't happen in over night but I'm willing to put forth the effort to not stand in the way of their happiness.
Trudy: Now that's the Hank I know! Get some rest, your going to need your energy.
Hank: Thanks Trudy!

The rest of the team grabbed dinner before they headed home. There was an awkward silence in the car, Bianca was sleep and Kim was rubbing her head. Hailey was staring out the the window, wiping every tear that managed to fall. She felt bad for how much pain she had truly caused Jay, and that she was now Pregnant and alone too. Most of the team knew already so they were kinda keeping their distance. She was a trusted friend in their group and she betrayed them. She caused them all pain, so she had to live with the consequences. There was one person who she did not expect to have her back, Erin if anything she thought she would be enemy number 1 to her. Once they arrived back home everyone still remained quiet. Jay grabbed Bianca as usual and Erin grabbed her blanket and stuffed animal and they headed inside. When everyone went up stairs they all went to Erin's place, it was still awkward. So Erin took a chance to try an ease the tension.

Erin: Come on guys!
Adam: Come on what?
Erin: I know you're all giving her the silent treatment.
Adam: She should've thought about before she lied and f did what she did.
Erin: I get that but come on give her a break.
Kevin: Give her a break, what about her keeping the letters a secret?
Hailey: Their right, I caused them a lot of pain.
Erin: Yes you did, but still they shouldn't treat you differently. I know what it is like not to have anyone in your corner, especially pregnant and alone. When I found out about Bia, I was all alone and didn't have anyone. I didn't have anyone until I requested for mouse, he was the first person I told and he had my back.  I know you think I should be pissed, at first I was but I realized it would only bring me pain. When I got to see my little girl happy, how could I be mad anymore.
Kim: Your right, it just we know that you suffered alone and we could've been there for you.
Erin: I get that but its in the past now. I know it won't be easy but at least try.
Adam: We will try for you, now can we eat?
Erin: Yea, we can eat now!
Jay: I'll fix Bianca some food!
Erin: Okay, after she's finish she needs to take a bath and hop in the bed.
Jay: Okay!

Everybody fixed their food and sat around the table and ate, they kept the small talk to a minimum. Mouse and his roommates finished their food quickly in order for them to leave. After they left it was now just Jay, Bianca, Erin and Hailey, but she finished her food and made her way down to her guest room. Jay finished feeding Bianca, and Erin grabbed her and brought her to the bathroom so she could bathe her. After finishing his food Jay walked in the room to find Bianca sleep across Erin.

Erin: Can you bring her to her room?
Jay: Yea, come on princess!

5 minutes later Jay returned to find Erin sitting on her floor waiting for him.

Jay: What's wrong?
Erin: Nothing is wrong, I just think you should cut Hailey some slack.
Jay: She lied to me.
Erin: Hear me out, she is basically in the same spot I was. I was pregnant and alone, and I was miserable. You don't have to be bestfriends but don't cause her no more stress than she needs. Cause it's not good for her or her baby. I know I should hate her but I don't babe, after all my suffering I finally got you back and that's more than enough.
Jay: Your right, and that's why I love you so much. You have such a big heart, even when people don't deserve it. I will talk to her I promise.
Erin: That's all I can ask, and I love you!
Jay: I really love you too! Also care to explain why your on the floor?
Erin: My back was hurting and I needed to stretch, but after I finish I will go hop in the tub. Care to join me for a bubble bath?
Jay: Definitely, but let me go clean those last few dishes and I'll bring us back some wine.

Jay decided to clean the remaining dishes that remained, and as he was finishing the dishes Hailey walked back in. She immediately turned around when she saw him.

Jay: Hailey wait.
Hailey: If your going to yell at me please save it.
Jay: I'm not and I'm sorry about that, I guess I just let all that hurt out on you and that's my bad.
Hailey: Don't worry about it, I deserved it.
Jay: No you didn't, I talked to Erin she basically told me to put myself in your shoes. I realized I shouldn't be treating you like especially while your pregnant, I also shouldn't be causing you more stress so I'm sorry.
Hailey: Thank you!
Jay: We have a lot of work to do to repair our friendship, but I'm willing to try if you are.
Hailey: Thank you, and I am willing to try to.
Jay: Well I'm gonna go now, see you in the morning, goodnight!
Hailey:  Goodnight Jay!

They both turned and went their separate ways, Hailey to her guest room and Jay to Erins room.
When he walked in to Erin room she was already relaxing in a nice bubble bath, he grabbed to candles and lit them and then turned off the lights.

Erin: Romantic, come on in!
Jay: You don't have to ask twice.
Erin: Thank you!
Jay: For what?
Erin: For stepping up and being the bigger person. I know it's hard to hear everything I went through and you not being here. I don't blame anyone because I made it through that storm, and I have sunshine's and rainbows all over me. I'm happier that your here now.
Jay: I'm Happy to, no more looking in the past.
Erin: Only forward from now on!
Jay: Yes! You, me and our little princess!
Erin: I absolutely love that.

-Unknown- I'm almost there, I'll see you in the morning!

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