Chapter 35

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Jay: Sorry doesn't cut it, look I'm done with this conversation. I need to go see my daughter.
Hailey: I'm pregnant Jay.....

Jay: You're what?
Hailey: I'm pregnant Jay...
Jay: Your lying!!
Hailey: I took the test before I left Chicago Jay, I am pregnant.
Jay: How far along are you?
Hailey: I don't know, I have an appointment when I go back home.
Jay: I'm not going back to Chicago anytime soon..
Hailey: When I find out I can just call you and tell you..
Jay: As if I would believe you.. I need to go!!

Jay bolted from the conversation, he was to in his thoughts to really think about the fact that he might have a kid on the way with Hailey. He walked into the play room to find Erin and Bianca building blocks. Erin saw the look and his face, he was upset but right now wasn't the best time to talk about it. Jay just sat down and played with both of his girls. Erin knew not to press him when he was like that, so she grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight.

Back out in the big room the team was working on their paperwork, intelligence had way less to do since they were the guest on the case. Before they could finish 5 o'clock came, which means it was time to head home. Erin told her team they could finish tomorrow, and then after that they could have a few days off.

Adam: Wait is this how all your cases work?
Erin: Yea, but it depends on how long the case last. The quicker we finish the more money we make. Or the longer the case, the more time we get off.
Kevin: That's pretty dope, what's the longest case you and your team have worked?
Erin: I think the Bolivia case, right mouse?
Mouse: Ummm... yea it took us 7 months, and a lot of resources.
Kim: How many cases you get per week?
Erin: 4-5 and what we can't do we hand it off to another team.
Hailey: Is it true when you sign on as a FBI Agent they make you delete all your contacts in your phone?
Erin: um.. yea essentially they don't want you communicating with people from your past because it might blow any of your future covers. Any more questions?
Adam: Are you hiring??
Erin: Your not ready to move to New York, this is a different pace than Chicago. It would be great if you work here, because it's sucks we only have 2 Cubs fans.
Agent Sam: Cause the Yanks and Mets rule the north.
Erin: Yea.. Yea we'll see on Saturday who takes the win.
Mouse: Imma gonna head out Rob is hosting the fight and I told him I would be there.
Erin: Okay, we'll head out too.
Hailey: What hotel are guys staying at?
Adam: Hotel de Mouse and Hotel de Erin.
Hailey: huh....
Kim: We're crashing with Erin and Mouse.
Adam: They have room, so are you coming with us?
Hailey: I don't want to impose.
Erin: It's fine, Jay can you grab Bianca and her blanket.
Jay: Yea be right back.
Hank: Kiddo, me and Trudy will ride with mouse.
Erin: Okay, so who's riding with me besides Bianca and Jay?
Kevin: I'll ride with mouse, I'm going to the party..
Adam: same me too!
Kim: So I guess me and Hailey will be riding with you.
Erin: Alrighty then, let's go.
Bianca: Mommy !!!
Erin: Hey Bia, ready to go home.
Bianca: Yes, daddy go home to?
Erin: Yup, daddy is going with us. Here go to Aunty Kim so she can put you in your seat.
Bianca: Okay....

Erins team packed up their work and left, as Erin and her friend left to. Once everyone got in there cars Erin and mouse left and headed home. Kim made sure to sit in between Hailey and Bianca, she knew Jay didn't want Hailey around his daughter. When they arrived home everyone went upstairs, the guys went to change so they could head to the party and at the last minute Hailey and Kim decided they wanted to go as well. So it was just Jay, Erin, Bianca, Trudy and Hank left.

Trudy: How about you two go out and I babysit this sweet little princess.
Erin: Are you sure?
Trudy: yea, everyone else is going out so you should too and I quite sure she will be sleep soon.
Erin: Thank you, and I have the perfect idea. Jay can you grab some blanket out of that closet, and do you prefer pizza or Chinese.
Jay: Umm.. pizza..
Erin: I'll order it later and we can pick it up on the way. You might want to put on something a little warmer.
Jay: Where are we going?
Erin: it's a surprise, but you might really like it.

Erin grabbed the essential things they would need and they packed it in her car. Before leaving they both gave Bianca a bath and left her for Trudy. Once they were in the car, Jay was growing more anxious as he wanted to know. Once they arrived Erin saw the huge grin jay had on his face.

Erin: You remember...
Jay: How do you still remember, we talked about this forever ago.
Erin: When I would take Bia here all I could think about was our conversation that night. Now that your here I couldn't think of a better way to spend tonight.
Jay: Come on let's go....
Erin: I will tell you it's not as easy as it looks, my ass still has scars.
Jay: Well I'll make sure to kiss them later, come on..

This was Jay's first time I've skating, he still couldn't believe she remembered.

** flashback**
Jay: since we both got furlough saved I was thinking me and you could go somewhere.
Erin: Just me and you, soo a baecation.
Jay: Exactly, I was thinking the cabin but then I thought about New York. We could go for New Years and watch the ball drop and sip on fancy champagne while ringing in the new year.
Erin: I love that, let's plan it.
Jay: Then we can go to that ice skating rink, I feel like that would be Extremely romantic..
Erin: who knew you were so into the romantics...
Jay: you bring the romantic side of me out!!

**flashback ends**

They enjoyed their time at the ice skating rink, this was an experience Jay Would never forget.. especially after falling 27 times.. That wasn't the end of their outing, they picked up their pizza and headed to their final location. They headed to the Thomas Jefferson park.

Jay: Why are we in a park?
Erin: They host movie night in the park, and I thought this we be a great to just cuddle and unwind.
Jay: What do you mean unwind?
Erin: I noticed before Hailey came here, you was happier and carefree. Since she's been here your sad and a little shutoff.
Jay: I don't want to lie to you, but I also don't want to ruin a great night.
Erin: it's okay, as long as we are still here tonight is night ruined, but I want you to also be able to enjoy tonight to.
Jay: Hailey said she's pregnant, but I don't know if she's lying or not. If she is I don't think it's mine, I always wrap it.
Erin: We have a daughter, so obviously you don't always wrap it....
Jay: I didn't with you, I never wanted any other woman to carry my kids. She hasn't seen a doctor yet to confirm, she said she will go when she goes back home. I told her I wasn't going back anytime soon.
Erin: What about work?
Jay: Intelligence is suspended until further notice, and I would be back in blues. Plus I really don't want to leave you and Bia, I would go insane in Chicago by myself.
Erin: As for Hailey, ask her to go to the doctor here so you don't have to leave. I know a doctor who could check, and I'll support whatever you want to do.
Jay: Thank you!!
Erin: Since we have unwind, let's go enjoy the movie and pizza. Tonight's movie is 5 feet apart, the reviews were amazing.
Jay: Let's find us a spot..

As they laid there and watched the movie, Jay did realize how much it would hit home for him.  He saw the sick teenagers fight just to be close to each other, and they physically couldn't be. He had the woman of his dreams and he was still holding her at arms length. As the movie went off the song started playing and it said... Don't give up on me....

Jay: Thank you for tonight!
Erin: We both needed it, I'm just glad I got to spend it with you.
Jay: I love you... After watching that movie, I feel like life is to short to hold back all of my feelings. So I love you... I love you so much.
Erin: I..I........

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