Chapter 48

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"I didn't realize she saw that, you gotta know I do love Erin. It's just....."

"It's just I missed all of the little milestones with Bianca. I didn't get to see Erin's belly grow, I didn't get to feel her first quicks. Hailey told me it was fine, and I did it."

"Don't explain it to me, you gotta tell it to her."

"I will, and I will bring dinner tonight too."

"Alright, see you later Halstead, and I'll see everyone else tomorrow."

"See ya Boss!"

Jay went back to his desk, thinking of how he could fix the problem he just created. He put himself into her shoes, he would definitely feel like shit if roles were reversed. Now he had to come up with a good plan to make sure she knew that he only had eyes for her.

Later that night after shift, Jay stopped at the Purple pig and picked up the dinner that he had ordered. He got Erin's favorite, Hanks usual, and something for Bia as well. He was still kicking himself for getting so caught in Hailey's baby bump. He shook the memory off and made his way to Hanks. When he arrived he knocked on the door.

"Who is it!?"

"It's me Er."

"Just come by tomorrow, Bia is sleep and in bed. I really don't want to wake her up."

"Baby please I'm here for you, and I owe you a serious apology."

"Come in, you can sit in the living room!"

When he walked in he noticed the tears stained on her face and her shirt. She was crying, and it made him feel even worse, but when he saw that she was eating ice cream and watching 10 things I hate about you he knew he fucked up.


"Jay, what are you doing here? I'm tired and Bianca is sleep."

"Er..Baby I know your mad at me, can I...."

"Can you what Jay, can you explain to me why I walked in to see your hands on her belly and smiling."

"I know babe, and that's a hundred percent my fault. I got caught up in the moment, and Hailey allowed me to feel her baby kick. I didn't get to experience that with Bianca."

"I understand and that's a regret I have to live with, but it doesn't hurt any less Jay. I had to watch the man I love find comfort with someone else, I can't be mad but I can't tell you that it didn't hurt. I wished everyday you could've been there with me but you couldn't.

"Er, I don't want you to feel like I don't love because I do. You've known for years that it was you who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I just got you back, and I'm not letting you go. I just wish I could've been there for both of you."

" I do too, but I can't change that."

"Are we okay?"

"Yea, but you gotta tell me how your feeling Jay I'm not a psychic."

"I promise!"

"Next time your gonna be there for every little mile stone, and that's a promise."

"What do you mean next time?"

"I think one day Bianca deserves a sibling, and plus I've always wanted three kids."

"What about your body, I thought radiation messes with your body?"

"That can happen, but before we left New York I spoke with my gynecologist. It turns out I'm pretty health in that area, and everything looks great."

"So your saying if I wanted to put a baby in you right now I could?"

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