Chapter 44

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when we were operating we...,

Doctor: okay, so when we were operating we found a mass.
Jay: No, this can't right. Her doctor said she was in remission.
Doctor: I've already in formed her oncologist, and I've sent a few samples to the lab. Hopefully by tomorrow morning we will know what we are dealing with.
Jay: She has to be alright!
Kim: Hey, we don't know what we are dealing with yet. We just need to have faith that she will be fine, and that the mass is just nothing.
Jay: Your right, should I tell everyone or just tell Er when she wakes up.
Kim: We don't know what it is yet so don't tell anyone, and it would be better if you tell Er.
Jay: Thanks Kim!
Doctor: Ms. Lindsay is in her room now, you can do 3 visitors at a time.

Each team member took a turn going in to visit Erin, they didn't take long. After the intelligence team saw her they left and headed upstairs to see Hank. Erin's current team took a turn visiting her as well. Jay and Kim was the last ones to go in and see her. She still looked tired, but she wasn't tryna show it.

Erin: Where's Bia at?
Jay: She up in the pediatric unit.
Erin: Is she okay?
Jay: She will be, they have her on fluids and some medicine to detox her system.
Erin: Why does she need a detox?
Jay: Um.. because they found traces of meth in her system.
Erin: Meth, as in the hard narcotics?
Jay: Yes, her doctor said she should be fine after the treatment is done.
Erin: I can't believe this my kid has meth in her system, she's only 2 years old. Jay what the hell? Where's Charlie?
Jay: Hey relax you just had major surgery, you don't have to worry about Charlie any more.
Erin: What do you mean?
Jay: He's dead, after he shot you I shot him.
Erin: Thank you! At least it wasn't all bad news.
Kim: Tell her.
Erin: Tell me what?
Jay: The doctor who did the surgery, he said he found a mass.
Erin: My oncologist said I was doing good.
Jay: He sent samples to the lab, and informed your oncologist. We don't know what it is yet, so let's not panic. We will know the results possibly by tomorrow.
Erin: I've been in this position before, and last time I nearly didn't make it.
Kim: You have all of us now, so don't talk like that.
Nurse: Visiting hours are over, only one of you can stay.
Erin: Who's with Bia?
Jay: Mouse is with her.
Erin: Can you go and stay with Bia she gets scared when she's alone. She will either ask for me or you and I can't be up there with her so you have to be.
Jay: Of course, do you want Mouse to stay with you?
Erin: Yea, Kim can you stay with me tomorrow?
Kim: Of course, get you some rest.
Erin: Thank you!

Kim and Jay, both left Erin's room, before going they're separate ways Jay thanked Kim for helping him tell her. Kim met up with the rest of the team and told them that visiting hours were now over. Before Mouse went to Erin's room, he met with Kim so he could give them the keys to both his and Erin's place. The team left and Mouse headed down stairs to Erin's room. When he approached the door it felt like a wave of deja vu all over again. Mouse did not his best friend lead up in the bed again.

Erin: You can come in.
Mouse: I know, but it felt like a was walking in Your when you was here for treatment.
Erin: Did Jay tell yet?
Mouse: Tell me what?
Erin: When they operated on me, they found a mass. They sent a sample off to the lab. I should have the results back tomorrow hopefully.
Mouse: Er... hey it's going to fine!
Erin: I'm just as scared as last time.
Mouse: You got me, Jay hand the entire team with you this time.

Erin just started crying, So Mouse quickly walked around to the side of the bed and pulled her into a hug. Mouse had become her best friend over these last few years, so it was only fitting that he help her through another health crisis. Erin managed to scoot over enough so mouse didn't have to sleep in the chair. Mouse managed to lay in the bed without hurting her, and after finally settling she became restful. Mouse laid there just as nervous, he watched her go through the battle once and almost didn't survive. She had become such an important person in his life, she was like and younger sister to him. He could only pray and hope that the results would come back negative.

Early the next morning, Kim and the team had came back to the hospital to bring breakfast as well as check in on Hank, Bianca, and Erin. They weren't expecting to find Erin and Mouse sleeping on the same bed though. Kevin cleared his throat to grab the attention  of both Erin and Mouse. Erin slowly opened her eyes to see the team standing in front of her and Mouse, mouse was still sleep so she nudged his shoulder to wake him up. Mouse opened his eyes to find the team staring at him as well, he hopped up and went to the bathroom. Erin just laughed at how quickly left but then the team had confused looks on their face.

Adam: So what did we walk in on?
Erin: Nothing really, he was not about to sleep in that chair last night and Jay is upstairs sleep with Bianca so he filled in for Jay.
Kevin: So, Jay's best friend was sleeping in the same bed with his girlfriend as a fill in.
Erin: When you say it like that, I see the problem but Mouse has become the person I had to depend when I had no one else. He's been by my side through it all, so I find comfort in having him close especially when he has been helping me take care of my kid.
Mouse: she's my best friend as well and I wouldn't take advantage of her like that. She's helped me through my shit storms as well. These last few year we've both had each other's back, her, Bia and Jay are my family so if she needs a pillow you Damn right I will be there.
Kim: Hey no judgement from me, you was there when we weren't.
Mouse: Thank you Kim!
Erin: Can you go check on Bia, you know how she is when she wakes up?
Mouse: Of course, I'll see if they will let her out of her room.
Erin: Thanks!

Everyone just took a seat around the room, they all started eating breakfast. About 5 minutes later Mouse walked back in the room but Jay and Bianca was with him this time. Bianca didn't notice Erin at first, but when Jay kissed her forehead she squirmed. She looked back at the bed and noticed her mom laying down, and she started crying for her. Jay brought her closer to the bed and she quickly reached out for her mom. Jay left her down and she gave my mom a big hug, jay was about to step in when he heard Erin wince but she waved him off. Erin knew Bianca needed this just as much as she needed it to. As they were wrapped up in the moment her oncologist knocked on the door. When she walked in the team was about to leave until Erin told them they could stay.

Dr.Amy: Good morning guys!
Erin: I hope it is a good morning.
Dr.Amy: I understand, your doctor told me about the mass they had found.
Kevin: Whatt!!!!!!
Erin: Yesterday during my surgery the doctor found it.
Dr.Amy: yes, so I put a rush on it. I know how you felt last time this happened, so It is a tumor. I am happy to report it is benign, which mean it's not cancerous and we can remove it with a minor procedure.
Jay: What kind of tumor is it?
Dr. Amy: We believe it is just tissue from abnormal cell growth. This won't effect your remission status or anything. Your still cancer free!

Everyone was Congratulating Erin and thanking Dr.Amy, even though the team didn't know about the scare they were grateful she would be okay. Erin was laying in the bed crying and kissing Bianca, she was more than grateful that the results was better than she expected. As long as she didn't have to go through chemotherapy again she was happy. Jay and mouse both stood next to each other with tear of joy, because the woman they both loved would be okay.

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