Chapter 45

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As long as she didn't have to go through chemotherapy again she was happy. Jay and mouse both stood next to each other with tears of joy, because the woman they both loved would be okay. 

Over the next few day the doctors continued to monitor both Erin and Bianca. After getting the all clear that the mass was benign, a surgery was scheduled to remove it. The surgery was successful, fortunately she would only have to stay in the hospital for a few more days. Bianca on the other hand was cleared to be released from the hospital, after Jay packed up her things they went upstairs to see Hank. Bianca hadn't been able to see Hank since before she was admitted. So this was something both Bianca and Hank needed seeing as he can't leave the hospital just yet. His doctor said they would send home for a week before his next therapy cycle start. He was truly looking forward to that, a week where they would all be under the same roof again.

After a few days Erin and Hank finally got the all clear to leave the hospital. Jay had came to pick them up while the team prepared to meet them at Erin's home. Both Hank and Erin being happy that they no longer had to be confined to a hospital bed was a blessing. Hank would go back in a week to see how much progress he had made. His doctors were very optimistic.

After picking Hank and Erin up, they made it back to Erin's home. The team was waiting with open arms to greet their family. They all just hung out before Trudy had to make an announcement.

"None of you know this, but a decision has been made already. You can go back to work starting next week, or you lose your jobs. They still have yet to determine a sergeant yet so you will most likely be working in blues until a sergeant has been determined."

Jay is the first to speak up, " so either we take a demotion or lose our jobs?"

"That's basically it or you can be transferred to a different unit, it's your choice."

"That's doesn't sound like much of a choice!"

Trudy did her best to try and explain the situation, but that is not what the team wanted to hear. For the team that meant they only had a few days left in New York.

Erin and mouse were still working on their plan, but they would definitely need an additional month before it was even ready. Erin just told them all that this is definitely not the end, they would find a way for everything to work out.

Hank would still need to stay in New York for his treatment, but with everything just happened they would definitely need more help.

"I will stay here, I can take care of Bianca while your recovering, and help with Hank while he's in the hospital."

Jay staying definitely made Erin happy but she didn't want him to lose him job because of them.

"I would love for you to stay but what about your job?"

"Er, my family comes before the job and I'm quite sure I can get a job here. NYPD is always hiring anyways!"

"Thank you, you have no idea how much that means!"

Everyone settled back in since their time together was coming to an end. They celebrated like they would normally do in Chicago by ordered pizza, and pulling out all the old games. If it was all coming to an end this is how they would do it.

A few days later it was time for the team to return to Chicago, and for Hank to also return to the hospital. They brought the team to the airport first, and then Hank to the hospital. For the first time in a few months Erin's home was officially silent again. Erin should've known with silence comes a storm. Ever since they left the hospital Bia had been more clingy to Erin but now she avoids jay at all cost. When it's time for bath or nap she runs right to Mouse. She's somehow became afraid of Jay, and finds more comfort in Mouse. Normally that would be okay if Jay wasn't in the picture, but since he is now his heart is hurting more than ever. He never would've thought his own child would be afraid of him.

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