Chapter 37

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Bia: Mommy...Daddy....

Jay: Er, Bianca is at the door..
Erin: Shit, I'm still naked Jay! Toss me your shirt.
Bia: Mommy open the door..
Erin: I'm coming Bia...
Bia: Papa Hank, mommy door is closed, I can't open the door.
Erin: Jay she called Hank!!
Jay: Shit!!!!

Erin swiftly threw the shirt in and hurried to the door. She was able to catch Bia before she walked back into the kitchen, and Bia was grateful for it. She plastered kisses all over her mommy face, but she quickly looked over her mommy's shoulder for jay. Not long after he walked out the room, fixing the string on his sweats.

Hank: Good morning Erin, Halstead...
Erin: Morning Hank, and morning Trudy. Thank you again for watching her last night.
Trudy: It was no problem, she was an angel. Did you and chuckles have a good time?
Erin: We did indeed, I think we both needed a night like last night.
Trudy: Ooh, give me details?
Erin: We went t...
Hailey: Morning everyone...
Erin: Umm.. I'll tell you later.. morning Hailey, How did you sleep?
Hailey: I'm great actually, Thanks for asking.
Erin: Hey, I know you guys finished your paperwork yesterday, but my team didn't so I have to head to the office. Me and Bia should be back before noon.
Hank: If you want Bia Can stay, she can hang out with her grandpa.
Erin: Are you sure?
Hank: Yea, it's fine and if I need help I do have Trudy here.
Jay: She'll be fine, and I have to finish my paperwork too, I may have gotten distracted with Bia in the playroom.
Erin: Okay, then we'll be back before noon. I got a surprise for everyone.
Jay: We should probably put actual clothes on then.
Erin: Dress casual, we won't be long.
Jay: Yes ma'am!
Hailey: Jay, c....
Jay: Bia, grandpa Hank made you French toast.

Jay let Bia out of his hands, she ran towards Hank ready for her food. Hailey was trying to talk to Jay, but right now he wasn't in the mood. He grabbed Erin's hand and pulled her towards the bedroom. After that closed the door, Jay wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned in for a sweet kiss. As much as she wanted this kiss to continue, Hank, Trudy and Hailey were on the opposite side of the door.

Erin: No more, you need to get dress so we can go.
Jay: Er....
Erin: Jay, I have to go to work maybe tonight but we need to go.
Jay: Fineeeeeee.... Let's get ready!

Both Jay and Erin were finally getting ready, it didn't take them long. By the time they finished getting ready Bia was all done with her breakfast. She was was sitting next to Trudy watching Moana for the thousandth time. Jay and Erin grabbed some French toast before heading out. As they were leaving Kim, Adam, Kevin, and Mouse were heading in.

Erin: Morning, see you later..
Mouse: Morning!!
Adam: It smells like French toast!
Trudy: Hanks making some, and you guys look like hell.
Kevin: To loud, is there any Tylenol?
Kim: Hold on Er has some in her room.

Kim walked in Erin's room to see Jay's things and to see some of his and her clothes scrambled all over the floor. In that moment she was ready to quickly leave the room, but she grabbed the Tylenol first. She quickly exited the room and handed the medicine Kevin. The team walked to the kitchen and everyone started grabbing a plate, Hank handed out the French toast then he went sat down.

Adam: Where did Jay and Er go?
Hank: To finish the paperwork from yesterday, she said they won't be gone long.
Adam: What are we doing today?
Mouse: Umm... I'm not sure I guess we gotta wait till they come back first.
Bianca: Uncle mouse can we play hide and seek?
Mouse: Sure, do you wanna hide or me?
Bianca: I go hide.
Mouse: Go hide. here I come!
Adam: Your really playing hide and seek?
Mouse: If my God daughter wants to play we will play, so excuse me while I go and find her hiding under her bed.
Bia: You find me, my turn..
Mouse: You go count.
Bia: I come find you!

Mouse and Bia played a few more rounds of hide and seek before she fell asleep in mouses arms.

Hailey: Your really good with her. You can tell she really loves you.
Mouse: I really love her too, I've been in her life since before she was even born.
Kim: How bad was it?
Mouse: How bad was what?
Kim: Er, how bad did it get?
Mouse: I know she will be pissed if I tell you but it was bad. When she found out, she was in denial, her doctor started her in treatment immediately. Within the first few months she lost majority of her hair. She was so sick I honestly thought she wasn't gonna make it. She wasn't eating enough, so she was dehydrated, a few times I had to call 911 or rush her to the hospital cause she was to weak or passing out. Bia was scared so most nights I would take care of her. It wasn't pretty, I felt so bad for her. She would cry out for Jay but.... So I stepped in and did the best I could to help her. I watched to strongest woman I know nearly break, but her come back was so much better.
Kim: I wish we could've helped her..
Mouse: I think seeing everyone now is good for her. She doesn't feel alone anyone, and I know everyone was upset when you all saw her again. I also know about Jay too, you can be mad at her but she suffered more when she left. Jay had all of you to help him get himself back normal. Erin didn't, she couldn't fall apart and lose herself. She had a baby on the way and no one to help her, she was alone in a new city. You all should be proud of her, as bad as it got she didn't backslide she moved forward.
Hank: I never got to say this but thank you for taking care of both of my girls, I'm glad they had family with them.
Trudy: What Hank said thank you mouse!

As they continued to speak with mouse Jay and Erin had  returned. The both walked in the hand in hand, but quickly dropping them before anyone could see them. Kim just looked at them and smiled then winked, Erin started blushing a little.

Erin: What have you all been doing? Aww you played hide and seek again huh?
Mouse: You know she always falls asleep afterwards.
Erin: I swear that little girl loves mouse so much, he's literally Godfather of the year. Me and Bia really appreciate you mouse.
Mouse: You know I do anything to make sure my brothers family is taken care of.
Jay: Thank you mouse!
Mouse: no problem!
Adam: What are we doing today Er?
Erin: Actually I'm going to the game tonight, the yanks are playing the Cubs this evening.
Kevin: Damn that would've been a great game, Have fun!
Erin: Well I was wondering if you all wanted to go?
Adam: Do you have enough tickets?
Erin: Yea, we get complimentary tickets, so we have an entire section. So what do you say?
Hank: of course!
Trudy; Yea!
Kim+Hailey: Yea!
Kevin: Hell yea!
Adam: I can't miss it!
Erin: Great well everyone go get changed and we'll head out.
Jay: Hey Hailey Can I speak with you?
Hailey: Umm yea.
Kim: Hey Er, can I speak to you?
Erin: Sure we can talk in my room.

Jay heads to the room Hailey is sleeping in and Kim heads to Erin's room. Hailey is a little nervous so she sits on the bed while Jay stands in front of her.

Hailey: What did you wanna talk about?
Jay: I told you I won't be returning back to Chicago anytime soon, so I was wondering would you consider seeing a doctor here?
Hailey: I would prefer to see my doctor back home.
Jay: I need know to know how far along you are. I know for a fact we have used protection every time I've had sex with you, so I couldn't have made a mistake I'm to cautious.
Hailey: So what do you call the little girls out there sleeping on your best friends chest. Since you say you always wrap it, and your very cautious.
Jay: My daughter is not a mistake, and I didn't use protection with Erin. I didn't mind if I had kids with her, because I always wanted her to be the mother of my kids. Any time I slept with someone after Erin I made sure to wrap it and be very cautious. So that why I'm asking can you see a doctor here, so I can know if it's mine or not.
Hailey: Whatever, I'll see the doctor just to prove you wrong but trust me this is your baby..

Erin: So what did you wanna talk about?
Kim: So you and Jay?
Erin: What about me and Jay?
Kim: Your totally sleeping together again.
Erin: No we are not!
Kim: so explain to me why his clothes is on your bathroom floor?
Erin: You went in my bathroom?
Kim: Yea, I had to grab some Tylenol for kev, but back to you.
Erin: I mean....
Kim: Oh My Gosh, how was it?
Erin: really?
Kim: So bad?
Erin: Of course not, but it was definitely amazing. I missed it so much, I just hope it's not ruined.
Kim: What do you mean?
Erin: Hailey, jay told me she's pregnant! I can't make jay choose between me and Bianca and his possible kid.
Kim: you know he will choose you every time, Jay loves you and there might not even be anything to choose between. Hailey told me she's pregnant but after they split she was getting drunk every night at Molly's. She would leave with random men so Jay may not be her baby's dad.......Just dont tell Jay I told you that!

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