Chapter 28

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After Trudy sent the text to the entire team including Hank, she walked the commander upstairs to the bullpen. Erin and Jay finished their lunch and was headed out. Mouse brought Hank to the district, and the rest of the team met them there. The team walked in to the bullpen to find the commander waiting for them, but Erin and Bia wasn't with them.

Commander: Intelligence, as some of you know we have been looking for someone to either replace Hank or the unit goes.
Adam: Wait, what do you mean the unit goes?
Commander: If we don't find someone suited for the job, I will shut the intelligence unit down.
Jay: what the hell!
Hailey: If you shut us down, what happens to us.
Commander: you can find another unit to work in or you will return to the patrol unit.
Bia: Mommy where's daddy?
Erin: Shhh.... daddy is upstairs, let's go up and see him.

Erin and Bia walked upstairs, Erin wasn't paying attention to what was going on. Bia quickly pulled out of her hands and sprinted to Jay.

Jay: Hey princess, you have to be really quite.
Commander: Hank knew this was happening, so I don't understand why this is surprising.
Jay: Hank?
Hank: I gave you a replacement, so why didn't you accept it.
Commander: She declined the position so.....
Hank: Is it true, you declined the position?

The team turns to see who Hank was talking to. When all eyes fall upon her, she can't lie now.

Adam: You declined the job?
Kim: Er.....
Erin: Umm...ummm... I.. I wan....
Commander: I thought I told you to never show your face again in Chicago!
Erin: I was only here for......
Commander: I don't care, we had a deal. It seems you didn't hold up the end of the bargain. You know the consequences, the little gig with the FBI Headquarters is over.
Hank: What did you do?
Jay: What deal did you make?
Erin: I.... I hadn't  been offered the deal from the FBI, I had just found out about me being pregnant and Jay an I had just split. The review board was down my back, but before I got a verdict, I may or may not have been influenced into not accepting my job back. I was told to not have any contact with anyone, or he would make life harder for everyone here, or shut down intelligence.
Jay: Wait, the commander threatened to shut down intelligence if you got your badge back.
Erin: The FBI offer became available and I took it and left. Intelligence has done so much good work I didn't want to be the reason it all came to an end.
Commander: As of this moment forward intelligence has been stripped. You will not operate under the CPD name anymore, and Erin I will be calling the director. When I make threats I follow through.
Erin: Go ahead call them, I'm to good of an agent to be fired.
Commander: Your just like him, and you wonder why I didn't want this unit to stay.
Erin: I don't take threats lightly either so you better be able to back it all up!

The commander pulled out his phone to call the FBI, he felt like the big man in the room. Especially now since he had stripped the unit of its power.

FBI Headquarters: FBI HEADQUARTERS, this is Agent Sam speaking, what can I do for you?
Commander: Can you patch me through the Director, and tell them Commander Crowley would like to speak?
Agent Sam: Ahh Commander Crowley, our Director is actually out I can patch you through to her personal phone. Would that be okay?
Commander: That would be perfect!

The team is standing around watching as Commander Crowley was giving Erin a dirty look. He felt like he had power over the entire unit that is until the phone rang.......

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