Chapter 5

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Kim: Err....
Erin: Kimberly...
Kim: no one has called me that since you were here..
Erin: I'm sorry about that! You have no idea how long I waited to see you, hell even talk to you.
Kim: I do know, it has been forever Er, I really miss you!
Erin: I miss you too Kim...."Ma Ma" Hey Bia!
Kim: Who's that?
Erin: This is my daughter Bianca. Say "Hi" aunty Kim.
Bianca: Hi atty wim....
Kim: Hi Bianca....
Erin: That's as close as your gonna get..
Kim: Wow, this is amazing... like Erin you have a daughter. How old is she?
Erin: I know it surprises me most days too. Bia just turned 2 a few months back.
Kim: Why didn't you say anything? You could've told me.
Erin: How was I suppose to tell you, me and Jay had just split and we weren't talking. Then the feds came in and that was it.
Kim: 😧😧
Erin: What?
Kim: Biancas dad is Jay?
Erin: Shit...  wasn't suppose to say that.
Kim: Oh My and Jay have a daughter. Now the freckles make sense. Does he know?
Erin: Nope, and you won't say anything either.
Kim: but.........
Erin: No but's Kim, if jay actually cared he would know about her.
Kim: What do you mean?
Erin: Since the day she was born, I have sent him countless letters. I couldn't call him so that was the next best thing.
Kim: So you told him in the letters that he had a kid?
Erin: Yea, he won't find out until he reads them. So, update me on everyone.
Kim: okay, Kev is still kev,he hasn't had a girlfriend in forever. Adam, he dated Hailey, but me and him are trying to rekindle. Jay umm..
Erin: I know, he and Hailey are together.
Kim: Yea, I honestly always thought it would be you 2 in the end.
Erin: I did too, but shit happens. Are you busy tonight?
Kim: No, i might go see Hank, and Adams staying at his house.
Erin: How would you feel about having some house guest?
Kim:  Your coming back?
Erin: yea me and Bianca will be in this afternoon.
Kim: I would love to have you over. I'm going to head home now and make sure my spare room is ready.
Erin: Thank you Kim.
Kim: It's my pleasure!

Kim and Erin continued to talk before Kim went home to prepare her spare room for the ladies. Hailey and Jay had finished up breakfast and was now heading to the hospital. Adam and Kev was still at the hospital, they were having a deep conversation with Hank when the rest of the team walked in.

Jay: How are you feeling?
Hank: I'm doing fine guys, I know Trudy told you all that I've decided not to do the chemotherapy.
Adam: Are you sure?
Hank: Yea, me and my proxy discussed this already.
Hailey: You mean you and Erin discussed this.
Hank: Yes me and Erin.
Jay: How come she didn't push you to do the chemotherapy?
Hank: She did, but I didn't want to put her through this.
Jay+Hailey: Put her through what, it's not like she's here. She's off living her life. Hank you should do chemotherapy.
Hank: That is my daughter your talking about, and you don't know everything. Erin already watched Camille fight her battle with cancer and I nearly lost Erin then. I already made my decision, I can live this next year how I want to. You guys can still be mad at Erin for leaving, but it's a waste of time cause I'm the one who told her to go. I told the FBI to recruit her, my kid was drowning and I saved her, they had been asking for her for awhile so I told her to go. It's my fault that she's not here......

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