Chapter 49

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"Since your moving back, then it's makes my next question easy to ask?"

"What question?"

Marry me?

"Are you serious?"

Jay looked her right in the eyes before getting down on one knee. "I've never been more serious in my life. I had an entirely different plan for how I was going to ask you. I was going to take you to the restaurant we went to for your class reunion, but tonight felt like the best night. Tonight I wanted to ask you to be my forever partner, the one I get to call mine forever. The day I met you, I was already planning our retirement, I saw a future with you before I even had you. When you told me about Bianca my heart grew 20 times more, because she's all I ever wanted with you. So tonight, I ask you in front of all of our friends and family. Erin Lindsay will you make me the happiest man in the world by becoming my forever partner? Will you marry me?

Their soon to be 3 year old was bouncing up and down in Kim's arms. Erin looks to Hanks to looking for his approval. He nodded and smiled at her, that's when she knew she could have it all. She turned back to Jay and put both of hands around his face.


"Are you serious?"

"Yes.. You're my forever and I can't wait to marry you."

"I can't wait either!"

Jay stood up and pulled Erin into his arms. The team stood around clapping and congratulating both Erin and Jay. Hank was the first to walk over and hug both of them, but also gave Jay a proud Pat on the back. Kim brought over Bia and she basically jumped into her parents arms. Jay was finally getting his happy ending, the women who always kept his head above water. He has an amazing little girl, that's makes his world go around. He has a job again, but now he will be working with he fiancé again.

After the last congratulations was said everyone sat back down and continued to talk until the waiter returned. Kim sat right next to Erin, so immediately she asked to see the ring.

"Let me see the new diamond?"

"I love it!"

"Damn Er your fiancé has taste, this is definitely your ring. It's not to flashy, nor to small it's perfect for you. I love the little purple diamonds, do they have a special meaning."

"Thank you Kim, and it's only right that I ask you to be my maid of honor. You will always be a sister to me, and you've grown to love my little girl as your own. It would also mean the world to have you by myself, for whichever day I decide to say I do. "

"I would be so honored!"

"The purple stones are Bianca birthstones, it was only right that we have a little bit of her in the ring."

"Aww..that is so beautiful. I am so happy for both of you!"

The waiter finally returned with fresh drinks, and the table appetizers. He went ahead and took everyone order, and then left. The team kept a small conversation going, Erin gave them more details on the new unit.

"So Linds, what do we have to do before we can officially start?"

"Everyone has to get to the range, and a mandatory psych evaluation. Me and Mouse have handle majority if not all of the paper work for everyone. In the FBI we do physical training, so definitely be prepared. And for the first week the agency will be teaching you the rundown of the FBI."

"That doesn't sound to bad."

"It wasn't to bad when I joined, I will say combat training is tough."

"I know we weren't as welcoming but thank you Linds. You didn't have to help us out, but you did. You created an entire unit for us, So Thank you."

"Hey we may fight, argue, or even disagree, but at the end of the day we are always going to be family. I love all of you, and I would do everything in my power to help you."

"To family!"

"To family!!"

The waiter and two other servers brought out everyone dish. After each dish was placed in front of everyone, Hank quickly said grace before everyone dug in. Erin took a second to admire all of the amazing people that surrounded her. This is all she ever wanted, a family and now she has it. The man of her dreams, and amazing little girl, and a dad that always has her back. Life couldn't get any better.

As the bill came Hank was about to grab for it, but Erin quickly swiped it first. "Tonight was to celebrate you, I'll take care of the bill." That's when mouse took the bill from her, "we're also celebrating you and Jay as well. So I will take care of the bill!"

"Mouse you don't have to do that!"

"You both have done so much for me, I think it's fair you don't have to pay."

Kim agrees and suggest that everyone chips in. The rest of the team agreed, they paid for the meal and left.

Over the next few days, Erin had been structuring up the contracts for the team. She wanted to make sure they were getting the best. So it was no surprise when they team got their contracts they signed them immediately after reading.

"This is a better contract versus the one I signed with Cpd."

"Yea I know, I gotta make sure my family is taken care of. Everyone has just about the same benefits, and contracts."

"So it's official the team is back together?"

"Well the only one who hasn't accepted the offer yet was Hailey. I'm meeting with her in an hour to discuss the possibility of her working with us. If she agrees then great."

"I'm proud of you for being the bigger person Linds!"

"We're family, we are all we got!"

After collecting everyone's contracts, Erin and mouse headed back to their new headquarters to file the papers. By the time they were finished it was time for Erin to meet up with Hailey.

Erin walked into the local dinner to find Hailey already seated and waiting.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting to long?"

"Actually no I just got here about 5 minutes ago, you're all good."

"Okay good, so how are you?"

"Erin we don't have to do that, I know you don't like me especially after everything thing that happened. So why did you want to meet up with me?"

"I never said I didn't like you, was I upset that my child got hurt. Hell yea, but she's fine and doing much better. I was meeting up with you today to offer you a job. You're an amazing detective Hailey anybody can see that, that's why I want you to join my team. I know we started off rocky but I would like to fix that. So what do you say, will you join my team?"

"I would, but I'm 8 months pregnant I can't do anything right now. I have no benefits if I leave cpd."

"I know, if you accept the job you can work from headquarters until you want to start your maternity leave. We will still cover your salary and when your ready to return your spot will still be there."

"What about about everything I put you and the team through?"

"Let bygones be bygones, this is a fresh new start for all of us. So, do you accept the job?"

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