Chapter 29

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He felt like he had power over the entire unit, well that is until the phone rang.......

Erin pulled her phone out of her pocket and answered her phones.

Erin: Director Lindsay speaking.........

You could've heard a needle drop in the room, no one was expecting that, well maybe except Kim. The team as well as Commander Crowley was standing around Erin still surprised at her new confession.

Hank: Director, as in The Director of the FBI in New York.
Erin: Yes, I run our New York office.
Adam: Holy crap, That is so Badass.
Commander: I don't understand! You were an Agent when you left almost 3 years ago.
Erin: First I didn't leaving willing I was forced. Yes, when I signed on I was an agent and I've been busting my ass for the last 3 years to get to where I'm at. The FBI got to see my full potential, and when I finally realized I couldn't come home because of you I started building my life. Just like I told you before I don't take threats lightly, you can best believe your ass will be done by the end of the week.
Bia: ooh mommy say bad word!
Erin: I'm sorry Bia, mommy won't say it again.
Bia: it's okay mommy, bad man made mommy angry!
Erin: Yes he did! Im gonna leave now, I still have some of my things to pack up before tonight's flight. I'll see guys later at the airport.
Kim: See you later, bye Bia!
Bia: Bye bye!
Commander: You might as well say goodbye to Intelligence, your all dismissed. You can all grab your things when you leave.

An with the final statement the Commander leaves the district. The team just stood around looking at each other, no one would've thought today would be their last day in the intelligence unit. Hank walked into his office and sat behind his desk, there's a great chance this could be the last time.

Adam: Is this really the end?
Kevin: Honestly I don't even know, I guess we gotta get it in writing to seal it.
Hailey: Why didn't Hank offer Any of us up for the job?
Kim: I guess he was ready for Erin to make her great return. I guess that won't happening either. Who's going to New York tonight?
Kevin: I've never been so I'm going!
Adam: I am!
Trudy: I will be going!
Kim: Jay? Hailey?
Hailey: No I won't be going!
Jay: I'm going, I told Er I would be there for her and Bia. I do need to go home and pack though, so I will see you all later.
Trudy: All of you can head out now, mouse you can to. I can bring Hank to the house when he's ready.
Mouse: Thank you! See you guys later!

Everyone started leaving out of the district, Trudy decided to go have a seat with Hank in his office.

Hank: Why didn't she tell me?
Trudy: I don't know, you have to ask her. My guess is she's just like you, and she didn't see a way out trying to do it herself.
Hank: I could've helped her, she had to raise that little girl by herself for 2 years on her own because of him.
Trudy: It's in the past now, we just need to focus on getting you better. Bia needs her grandpa around, just like Erin needs her dad around.
Hank: I know, I do need a favor?
Trudy: Anything for you, name it?
Hank: If I don't make it, I need you to be there for her and Bia. I want you to get her back to Chicago, if something happens I don't want her to be alone.
Trudy: Hey, no negativity Hank. You will beat this monster and spend every moment watching that little girl grow up. Erin said this one of the best oncologist in the country, and she's very optimistic. We gotta have Faith this will all work out for the best. Now come on let's get you to the house, we got a flight to catch!

After a few hours, and a lot of packing the team had finally met up at the airport. They got checked in and and boarded their flight. Hank and Trudy slept through the flight, while Bia was getting a little fussy. Jay decided to hold her, and that helped her calm down a bit. The rest of the team was talking about the things they wanted to do while in New York. When they landed everyone retrieved their luggage before heading out to the van Erin ordered. When they got to Erin's home, they weren't expecting apartments.

Adam: For a Director I thought you would  own a house.
Kevin: Yea Er, I thought you was making the big bucks.
Erin: I make great money, but you haven't seen my place yet. It's enough for us, and a house would be to lonely.

They take the elevator up to the top floor, and then get off. Bia quickly runs down the hall to their door, and Jay chases after her.

Erin: She knows where she going.
Jay: I can't see her around the corner.
Mouse: it's a dead end only 2 doors down there.
Adam: How do you know?
Erin: He's stayed with me before, after Bia was born. He was a damn good support system.
Adam: Ahh okay, do you have enough space for all of us?
Erin: You were gonna stay here?
Adam: I..I.. I just thought.....
Erin: I'm kidding Adam yea, I have enough room. "Welcome to my humble abode"
Kevin: Damn Linds, you didn't have to stunt on us like that.
Kim: This is incredible!
Hank: Kiddo, That view is amazing!
Erin: Yes, I've been blessed.
Trudy: Where's the room?
Erin: I have 4 available bedrooms here, so Hank down that hallway there's a king size bed in the first room on the right. Trudy the room across has the same, so you can take it. I have 2 beds available who wants it or whoever doesn't get a room you can stay at Mouse's.
Adam: Where does mouse stay?
Mouse: I'm going to head there now, so your welcome to come with.

Mouse left Erin's apartment and walked across the hall. He told the team "Welcome to my humble abode". They just laughed at the fact they stayed right across from each other. Adam, Kevin and Kim agreed to stay with him, whereas Jay decided to stay at Erin's ( you know to be closer to Bia). Tomorrow was going to be a long day, Erin would bring Hank to meet the New oncologist as well to Headquarters to meet the team.

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