Chapter 9

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Kim: Sorry Im late guys...
Adam: Where the hell were you at? You had me worried sick!
Kim: I was just out, and I don't have to telll you everywhere I go. I was safe, we just had to much to drink so I crashed at their house.
Hailey: Who did you go by? What did you need children's Tylenol for?
Kim: Guy's Im over the 21 questions, I'm here now so stop please. Wait, how the hell did you know about the children's Tylenol?
Jay: Well next time can you keep your phone charge so we could at least call you?
Kim: Sure, Whatever! Umm Im going to go work with Trudy today, see you guys later.
Kevin: Kim are you good?
Kim: Yea, why?
Kevin: You just volunteered to work with Trudy, you never do that.

Kim looks directly at Jay and says, "I guess people change", and then walked down stairs.

Jay: What the hell did I do, why is everyone acting differently with me.
Adam: I have no idea, but that was weird too.
Hailey: let's just get back to work.

Kim: Hey Sarge, you mind if I work with you today?
Trudy: You look like hell Kim, what happened?
Kim: I was up late, Girl night was kinda extreme.
Trudy: I'm glad she has you to lean on, all this couldn't have been easy on her. She's been in New York all alone, raising that little girl. Erin, she just like my kid, and with Hank sick I have to make sure she won't relapse.
Kim: She has us, and we won't let that happen.
Trudy: Hanks getting released from the hospital in an hour, do you wanna come with me?
Kim: Yea, that'll be fine. Let me go tell the team before they try to track my phone again.

Kim went upstairs to inform the team, that she was gonna go with Trudy.

Kim: Hey guys, imma gonna go with Trudy to pick Hank up.
Adam: Okay, but why are you telling us this?
Kim: So you don't have to call mouse again to track my phone.
Adam: Wait, how did you know about us calling mouse?
Kim: it doesn't matter, we'll be back later.

Adam: is she acting weird?
Jay: yea, How the hell did she know about mouse?
Hailey: They must know something that we don't know.
Kevin: something is going on, we should confront her.
Hailey: I agree! How about everyone come over to me and Jay's place tonight.
Adam: Okay, I'll bring Kim.
Kevin: I'll meet y'all there....

The team got back to work, while Kim and Trudy went to pick Hank up. Both ladies actually talked to each other in a regular conversation for the first time ever. Trudy just told Kim that it was hard seeing Hank sick like he is. Hank had always been the front runner and Al was the guy behind the curtain, and she was just along for the ride. Kim tried to be there as much as she could, and Trudy truly appreciated it.

After they had picked hank up from the hospital, they brought him back to his house where Erin and Bia was waiting for him. They knew they were leaving hank in more than capable hands.

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