Chapter 2

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   It had been 3 years since he walked out, and Erin took a job almost 1000 miles away. Some might say she ran from trouble but really she just left before he could break her heart. When she left she took a secret with her, she had found out a couple weeks prior that she was indeed  pregnant with Halsteads baby. She felt betrayed so she never spoke about it. After she made it to New York she started building a new life for herself, so she focused on the job and her baby. Can you blame her, the man she was once head over heels for was no longer in her life. She wanted to pushed that part of her life behind her and just forget about him. She did just that she pushed Jay out of her head and her heart for 9 months. That all changed the day her baby girl was born, 7lbs,4oz. She came into the world with a strong high pitch scream, but then she calmed down quickly when she was placed in her mother arms. This was a moment she would never forget, she had a perfectly healthy baby, she had her moms dimple and her dads green eyes, she also had some gorgeous red hair. Her nurse told her as she gets older her red hair will definitely change and become darker, but her eyes will like stay the same. Erin had a healthy baby girl and life was good for her.

     Jay on the other hand, his life was spiraling. He couldn't focus, he was angry all the time, and his drinking started to increase. He was also tryna drown out Erin Lindsay. At one point in time Jay was head over heel for her but his past came back to haunt him. He pushed her away, and broke off their relationship, but he didn't expect her to pack up her entire life and leave him without a single word. With help from his partner and boss he started to turn his life around, he was now super focus in his work and getting himself together. Hank was grooming him to be the next team leader just Incase there was ever a change. Over the last few months things between Jay and Hailey were heating up, and that's understandable he had been single for almost 2 years and Hailey was there for him so why not. Hank seemed to not care, I guess as long as it doesn't interfere with work it's fine. This was the first serious relationship jay had been in since Erin left, but he knew that Erin wasn't coming back so he had to move forward. So that's what he did, he picked himself up and moved forward.

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