Chapter 4

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Erin was up early the next morning to catch her flight, Trudy told her she would be available to also pick her up when she got back in later tonight. Erin got to the airport on time, she quickly made her way through security. When the flight attendant called for passengers she then boarded the plane.

Back at the district.......
It was still early in the morning when the team came in. Right now commander Crowley has someone filling in for Hank, the team would've preferred Jay but the commander didn't care. Crowley was just ready to shut down the unit.

Adam: Morning guys!
Jay: Morning.
Hailey: morning!
Trudy: Hey guys, I'm gonna leave early. I don't want Hank to be in the hospital by himself.
Adam: How long will he be in there?
Trudy: um till tomorrow, he gonna go home.
Jay: When does he start chemo?
Trudy: He won't.
Hailey: What do you mean he won't.
Trudy: That's what he wants, he doesn't want to spend the time he has left sick in the hospital.
Kim: He not in the right frame of mind. He can't make that decision.
Trudy: Only he and his medical proxy can make that choice.
Jay: Who's his medical proxy?
Trudy: Um Erin is his proxy.
Kevin: But she's not here to make that decision.
Trudy: She might not be here but she has spoken to Hank, and she respects his decision.
Jay: unbelievable, she hasn't seen him in what 3 years and now she's has an opinion on Hank.
Trudy: She's his family, Hank doesn't wanna waste his time in a hospital.
Hailey: Did she at least try to talk him out of it?
Trudy: She did, but he said no.
Hailey: She should've tried harder, if she really loved Hank......
Trudy: Don't you dare finish that line. You don't know anything about Erin and Hank, so before you start talking out the side of your neck shut it. None of you will be useful here today, take the day and go see Hank.

Jay: How about me and you go get breakfast before we go see Hank.
Hailey: I think I'd like that.
Jay: Come on.
Trudy: Kim can I speak to you in the locker room?
Kim: Uh yea sure. What's up?
Trudy: I was told to give this phone number to you. No one Can know you have it, Like no one can know Kim.
Kim: okay, who's number is this?
Trudy: FaceTime the number when your all by yourself, Kim please don't tell anyone either.
Kim: I've never heard you beg so it must be serious. I promise I won't tell, and I'll head to the car and call.
Trudy: ok, make sure no one is around. I'll see you later at the hospital or tomorrow.

The team had left the district, jay and Hailey was leaving to go on their breakfast date while Kevin and Adam went to see Hank. Kim left and headed down to her car, she sat there for a few before FaceTiming the number. Then she finally did....


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