Chapter 10

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After Trudy and Kim got back to the district, Kim finished up her paperwork and headed out. Adam told Kim that he was taking her on a date night and that she should dress comfortably.

Kim: Oooh where are we going?
Adam: We gotta stop by Jay and Hailey first.
Kim: 🙄 okayyy!
Adam: come on Kim these are our friends.
Kim: Yea I know, but I thought we were going out!

Kim sent a text to Erin, " Instead date night we're going to Jay an Haileys house, kill me now".
Erin- 😂 let me know if I need to come rescue you!
Kim- Get your keys ready cause if we're here longer than 10 minutes I will flip shit.
Erin- lol just let me know. Me, you and Bia can go out for dinner.
Kim- ooh sounds like fun. I'll text you in a few!

Kim and Adam arrived at Jay and Hailey apartment, and already Kim was mad and the current ambush that was approaching wasn't going to help either.

Kim: Why is Kev here?
Adam: I'm not sure, that's weird. Let's go inside, they're probably just catching a game or something.
Kim: Yea, or something!

Adam knocked on the door and jay opened it, he invited both Kim and Adam into their apartment. Kim noticed how they were sitting around in the living room. She fired a text off to Erin " SOS they're trying to ambush me" and immediately after receiving the text Erin sent back " Be there in 5 minutes". Everyone was just sitting around looking awkwardly at each other, so Kim broke her silence.

Kim: Adam, what did we need to stop here for?
Adam: Well, we just wanted to know what's being going on. First you leave us hanging at the bar, then no one knew where you was at this morning, then how you  were acting in the bullpen especially toward Jay.
Jay: Did I do something to offend you?
Kim: You know what.....
Hailey: You've been acting weird all day. Like what's wrong?

Erin- outside!

Kim: You know what your right, it's just, it's my time of the month.
Adam: Oh okay!
Kim: So ummm I'm gonna go.
Adam: I thought we could have a few drinks here.
Kim: Yea, did you decide that before or after this little ambush.
Adam: it was....
Hailey: we weren't trying t....
Kim: But you did, look my Lyft is outside I'll see you guys later.
Adam: Kim come on, what about our date night?
Kim: I've got another date! Goodnight guys!

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