Chapter 3

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Erin found the first flight to Chicago, and purchased it at this point money didn't matter Hank needed her. Scared and nervous is all she felt, she had to watch Camille battle the same monster just a different beast. If Hank loses this battle she won't have any family left. When Erin arrived in Chicago the first things she did was head to the hospital. Trudy met her down in the ER bay, she had told her prior to arriving that she didn't want to see the team. She was strictly here for Hank.

Trudy: It's good to see your face kiddo!
Erin: it's really great to see you too.
Trudy: So, where's the little one?
Erin: Still in New York, I just needed to come see him by myself, My schedule is very flexible so I'll be able to drop in as often as possible. I know you'll want me to see everyone but right now is not great.
Trudy: if that's what you want, so how have you been?
Erin: I've been doing great, working hard and chasing after Bia.
Trudy: I can't wait to meet her.
Erin: I can't wait to introduce you to her, I'll call her in a few so you can see her.
Trudy: That would be nice, I'll take you up to see Hank. I don't know if the team is still in there so just hang back.
Erin: okay.

Hank was in his room talking to the team, everyone was trying to keep him in high spirits. Trudy then came into the room to tell the team that Hank needed a break and the team agreed. As they left Trudy snuck Erin to the room.

Hank: Kiddo!
Erin: Hank?
Hank: How are you?
Erin: I'm good but I should be asking you that question. How are you?
Hank: I'm doing okay, just tryna hang in there.
Erin: How bad is it?
Hank: Doc said I possibly got a year.
Erin: Nooo Hank, what about chemotherapy?
Hank: He says it might help, or might make it worse. It's okay kiddo, I have my peace with this. I rather spend my time out there living then in a hospital bed.
Erin:😭 I guess I better get you out to New York sometime.
Hank: I would love too. How long are you here for?
Erin: As long as you need me, but I will have to go back to New York tomorrow.
Hank: You just got here!
Erin: I will be back, I have to go pick someone up.
Hank: Who so important that you have to leave so quickly?
Erin: Um umm my kid!
Hank: 😳 You have a kid?
Erin: A daughter actually.
Hank: Wow.. I told you not to look back, and now your a mom. I have a granddaughter! Tell me about her?
Erin: Yes you do, Hank she's  amazing, she so goofy. She laughs at everything, she loves to color, and right now she's into princess. For her second birthday I gave her a princess themed party, the look on her face when she woke up to everything was priceless. The best part is that she gets her sleep schedule from me, Bia knows how to get her sleep.
Hank: Bia.. is that her name?
Erin: No, her name is Bianca Camille.
Hank: You named her after Camille?
Erin: Yea, Camille showed me motherly love and that's what I give to Bia.
Hank: I'm proud of you kiddo.... but I do have a question. You said Bia was 2, but you've been gon a little less than 3 years.

📱 ring 📱 ring

Erin: Speaking of Bia..... Hi babygirl.
Bia: Hi ma ma!
Erin: do you want to say hi to papa hank?
Bia: yesss...
Erin: Here's Bianca!
Hank: Hi there pretty girl.
Bia: Hi pa pa!
Hank: She's gorgeous kiddo!
Erin: Thank you, I like to think she get it from me.
Hank: Who's the father Kid?
Erin: Hey Bia, mommy will call you later okay.
Bia: Okay, By by!
Hank: you know I won't judge you kiddo.
Erin: I know you won't, but.....
Hank: After seeing her I have a feeling of who it might but I prefer you to tell me.
Erin: You already know....
Hank: Kiddo, why haven't you told him?
Erin: Hank he's angry at me.
Hank: No he's not!
Erin: I have told him Hank, I couldn't speak to him on the phone so I would send letters to him. If he would've opened any of them he would've known.
Hank: You've been sending letters?
Erin: Since the day she was born. Before I gave birth I was gonna keep him in the dark about her, but when she was born she looked just like him and I couldn't do that.
Hank: I wish you would've said something soon.
Erin: I know, but now you know about her. I won't tell him because I've made my piece with it. When he decides to read the letters then he'll know, and I'm not here for him.
Hank: I know that but when I'm gone your gonna need someone.
Erin: He's moved on, and I'm standing in his way anymore. Me and Bia are happy, Im not going to fight a losing battle.
Hank: Yea, he thinks I don't know him and Hailey are playing house. I guess no one seems to respect the no in-house romance rule.
Erin: I guess not!

Hank started coughing, and he couldn't catch his breath. The nurse came in and put an oxygen mask on him, they recommended he get some rest. Erin told Hank that she would return tomorrow night, and that she would bring Bianca as well. Trudy gave her a lift back to the house, instead of staying at Hanks she spent the night at Trudy and mouches house. They spent the night catching up and talking to Bianca. They spent a nice amount of time catching up before they decided to call it a night. Erin was taking the red eye back to New York, but she would be back that afternoon.

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