Chapter 36

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Jay: I love you... After watching that movie, I feel like life is to short to hold back all of my feelings. So I love you... I love you so much.
Erin: I..I........

Erin: I..I.. I don't either.. I love you too, but I have to be honest I'm scared of opening my heart up again to you.
Jay: I understand, but do understand I'm not going anywhere. I wanna be wherever you and our little girl are, and if New York is it I will gladly make the transition.
Erin: Jay I can't ask you to give your life up for us, your family is in Chicago. What about Will?
Jay: You and Bianca are my life, and I can always visit Will.
Erin: It's a lot to ask of you.
Jay: Good thing you didn't ask, listen what happen 3 years was on me. That was the biggest mistake of my life, and when you left it broke me so bad that I couldn't fix what I did. 3 years later here you are laying in my lap in a park in New York and I'm more in love with you than ever. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I would be a fool to not try my best to get you back and keep you.
Erin: You know when I left Chicago I thought I would be able to move on when I got to New York. I went on a few dates, and every time someone tried to connect with me I couldn't, I never knew why. Then I realized I could never love someone else when my heart wasn't with me. I was so numb, half the time I would be day dreaming through a date and it wasn't fair to them.
Jay: Where was your heart?
Erin: In Chicago... it was always with you but after I had Bia it was with her. Trust me Jay I do love you, I probably always have and always will.
Jay: Then we owe it to ourselves to give us a real chance, I don't want a life where you and Bia aren't in it..
Erin: I am willing to try as well, but after you resolve everything with Hailey. There's a possibility you have another kid, and I definitely can't ask you to abandon him or her.
Jay: I'll figure it out, I will ask her to see the doctor you were talking about. For now let's just enjoy our night.....

Back at the Fight party.....

Rob: Hey Mouse, and intelligence team right..
Kevin: Yea that's us..
Rob: Mouse you know where everything is at, show your people around. The fights about to start in a few, all drinks and food is in the kitchen.
Mouse: Thanks, alright guys and gals grab yourself a drink and some snacks. I will tell you now, Robs party can get pretty extreme.

The team starts to walk around, everyone grabbed a drink except for Hailey which Kim thought was strange. She mentally notes that she stayed away from raw foods, and only stuck to ginger ale. The party really started filling up, the final fight still had an hour before it started.

When the last fight of the night did start everyone was having a great time watching it. Kim did notice Hailey wasn't in the room, she left to go find her. after searching almost every room she found her in the bathroom.

Kim: Are you okay?
Hailey: Yea, I think I drunk to much or maybe it..
Kim: Or maybe that your pregnant!!
Hailey: I'm not, I think it was the sushi..
Kim: You didn't touch the sushi, and you didn't drink either.
Hailey: Are you watching me or something?
Kim: I was concerned, how far along are you?
Hailey: I'm not sure, I will find out when I go back to Chicago.
Kim: I'm guessing it's Jay's..
Hailey: Of course it's Jay's. Who else would it be for?
Kim: Hey, I'm just saying after y'all break up you wasn't leaving Molly's alone most nights.
Hailey: That's not true..I wouldn't leave the bar with a complete stranger..
Kim: Yea you did, you were completely hammered. I tried to give you rides sometimes but you would say, it okay he taking me home.
Hailey: This is jay baby, whether you like it or not.
Kim: Whatever the fight is almost over, and we're about to head back to the house.
Hailey: Let's go then, and please don't tell anyone.
Kim: That's not my business to tell.
Mouse: Y'all ready to head back?
Kevin: Yea, it's getting late.
Kim: Yea we're ready!

Since Mouse didn't drink he drove the entire crew back to the house, but not before stopping for some greasy street tacos. Then they headed home, mouse let Hailey into Erin's apartment and then showed her in. Trudy was still sitting on the living room couch holding Bia, they had themselves a movie night also.

Trudy: How was the fight?
Hailey it was great, they had a lot of people.
Trudy: That's sounds like it was fun.
Hailey: Yea, hey do you know where I'm suppose to sleep at?
Trudy: Um no, but Erin should be here soon. You can wait here on the couch. I'll go put the little one in her room.
Bianca: Mm..mommyyy..
Trudy: shsss mommy and daddy are coming... Goodnight Upton!
Hailey: Goodnight Sarge!

Not long after Trudy left the living room, Erin and Jay had also returned. To their surprise they saw Hailey sitting in the living room watching tv.

Erin: Are you okay?
Hailey: Yea, why do you ask?
Erin: Your sitting out here all alone, we thought everyone was sleep.
Hailey: Umm no, Trudy just brought your kid to her room and I didn't know where I was sleeping.
Jay: You Can take my room and I'll sleep out here.
Hailey: I don't want to kick you outta your bed, I can take the couch.
Jay: It's fine, let me grab my things and then you can go in there.
Hailey: You Can leave your stuff, otherwise it will sitting in the living room on the floor.
Jay: it....
Erin: Just put it in my room Jay, the towels and bath clothes are in the bathroom cabinet. There's also extra toiletries if you need anything else.
Jay: I'll be back...
Hailey: Thanks for letting me crash here, I know we're not on the best of terms bu.....
Erin: Don't even mention, if you'll excuse I gotta check on Bia. Goodnight!
Hailey: Goodnight!
Jay: The room is all cleared out, it's yours now.
Hailey: Jay...
Jay: Goodnight Hailey!!
Hailey: Goodnight Jay!!

Hailey walked down the hallway to her room while Jay went to go leave his things in Erin's room. After he left the room, he came back and sat on the couch an watched the recap of the Cubs game.

Erin: Did they win?
Jay: Of course, you know they're gonna be here this weekend right.
Erin: Yea, they play the yanks.
Jay: That's really cool, we should go?
Erin: I already have tickets.
Jay: Seriously!!
Erin: Yea, We get complimentary tickets to some of the baseball games. They give us great seats too.
Jay: That's amazing, How much do tickets to the game cost?
Erin: Any where from $30-$1800 dollars. Where we'll be sitting a seat will cost about $200.
Jay: That's not bad, especially if I'm tryna end up on kiss cam with you..
Erin: Your corny as hell..
Jay: But you love me still!!!
Erin: That I do, well I'm going shower And hop in the bed.
Jay: Goodnight!
Erin: Aren't you coming with?
Jay: Are you sure, I can't wait till Hailey gets out the bathroom..
Erin: you could have a boring shower by yourself or we could save time in the shower together.
Jay: I like your plan better, also I need a cover and a pillow..
Erin: your not sleeping on that couch, so let's go.
Jay: Yes ma'am!!

I mean you already know what happened next 😉

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