Chapter 33

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Agent Sam: Call Erin tell her we got a major update...... we may have found his mother!!!!!!!

Agent Moore called in and reported to Erin that they had found some startling news. Erin told them to leave a few agents and the rest report back to headquarters.

Back at headquarters agents was still calling different adoption agencies to get insight on who their suspect mother maybe. That was also a dead end, but that would change when the file recovered.

Erin: Okay, Agents Sam and Moore believe they may have found his mother.
Agent Sam: The file contained a photo of your mom Erin, apparently he's been looking for her.   Barbra Fletch is Joshua McKinleys mother, we still need to confirm that with a blood test.
Erin: I... I can't believe it! There was another kid, it's bad enough me and Teddy was left alone.
Hank: When was the last time you spoke to her?
Erin: When I saw her in Chicago, she gave me a number to call.
Jay: You might want to call and confirm it with her. She might give you a run around too.
Hailey: Did she ever tell you she had another kid.
Erin: If she told me I would've found out along time ago.
Hank: You know she won't give a straight answer.
Agent Moore:  We did recovered a toothbrush from the scene. We could run a DNA test between you and Joshua. You both might share the same parent.
Erin: That's a great Idea, okay get the toothbrush to the lab and get a tech up here to also get A swab from me. I want everyone searching the street cameras to see if we can locate him. Can we see if there's a pattern in the places he stays at. I'll be back, and can someone get an update from the team at the hotel?
Agent Sam: Yes ma'am!!

Erin left and headed to her office to do a DNA test. Jay walked in just as the tech finished, Erin remained seated as Jay sat in front of her. He noticed that Erin was on the brink of tears, he walked around her desk and pulled her into a hug. He walked her to the couch and told her to let it out.

Erin: I just can't believe there's a possibility bunny had another kid that she abandoned.
Jay: I know that's hard to wrap my mind around.
Erin: If he is my brother, he's also a fucking murderer. Bunny had one job, and that was to be a good mom. She left him, alone to grow up in the system. None of our childhoods was great, we all suffered, and she didn't even care.
Jay: We hope we can find him soon, and you can talk to him. Do you think Bunny ever went back to find him.
Erin: I have no idea but the next time I see her, she won't get my nice side.
Jay: No one wants to see that side of you...
Erin: Why did bunny fuck all of us up, all of Bunny's kids are fucked up.
Jay: You are far from fucked up Er, I will admit you had a shitty childhood but you turned your life around. One of the best in the Academy, you became one of the best Detectives. Not to mention you're the fucking Director of the FBI, that is beyond amazing. Your not even 30 yet and you have already accomplished things that take people 20 plus years. So don't let Bunny define you, because you are by far not ordinary you fucking extraordinary. Your a mom, and the Head of the FBI and you beat Cancer, where is your cape superwoman.
Erin: Thank you Jay, I really needed to hear that.
Jay: I'll always be here to tell you how amazing you are. Now let's get back out there, and find him...

After a few hours the DNA test confirmed the Joshua and Erin were indeed related. They are half siblings, they both share the same mother but not father. Adam did find a pattern in the hotels, Joshua usually stays at the same hotel for 2 days before switching to another hotel. That means they only have another day to catch him before he finds out they are on to him and move hotels.

As Erin was about to brief the team Kevin had called and told her Joshua had just arrived but he had a woman with him. Erin quickly informed the team before they headed down to the basement to suit up. Hank and Trudy stayed back with Bianca.

Everyone was putting there vest on, Jay had secured his when he saw that Erin needed assistance. Agent Sam started walking towards her but Jay gave him a look basically saying he'd help her. He turned around and Jay helped secure her straps, Erin  turned and faced her team and yelled out "roll out."  The ride to the hotel was more nerve racking, within 15 minutes Erin would be meeting her long lost brother who is now a serial killer.

After arriving at the hotel the manager gave Erin a master key card that works for all the rooms. Erin split the team up into groups, there would be agents on the floors above and below just in case he tries to run. It was now show time.....
Erin and Jay headed to Joshua floor, agents lined up outside of his door. After they got into position Erin knocked on the door...

Woman: who is it?
Erin: House keeping....
Woman: one sec...

The woman opened the door, and a agent quickly pulled the women out of the room.

Erin: is Joshua I the room?
Woman: Who's Joshua?
Erin: The man you came here with...
Woman: He said his name was Paul..
Erin: Where is he?
Woman: He went down the hall to get ice, he should be....there he is....
Erin: he's running, he's in the stairwell!!
Agent Sam: he's going up..
Erin: Adam and Kevin cut him off. I want him alive!!!!

After a good chase in the stairwell Jay and Agent Sam was able to apprehend the suspect. Erin read him his rights before bringing him down to the truck. Forensics swept the room again, and the teamed cleared out. Once the arrived at headquarters the sent Joshua through the booking process.

A few hours later Joshua was moved upstairs so he could be interrogated. Joshua kept silence, he wasn't speaking without a lawyer present.

Erin: Hello Joshua, my name is Erin Lindsay I'm head of the FBI.
Joshua: I want a lawyer!
Erin: That's fine, just know there won't be any deals. You've murdered over 15 women, can you tell me why?
Joshua: Lawyer.!!
Erin: Can you tell me is it because of your birth mother??
Joshua: What do you know about her?
Erin: So it is about her... okay.. Umm what made you kill the other women?
Joshua: Lawyer!!!
Erin: Okay fine since you don't wanna speak listen.. we figured out all of the woman put a child up for adoption, you were put up for adoption. Those women never came back to get there kids, your mom did the same thing. How Am I doing so far?
Joshua: What ever!
Erin: After you fostered out you found out who your mom was, Barbra Fletcher!!
Joshua: How do you know about her?
Erin: I struck a nerve, what did Barbra do?
Joshua: Fine, after I was in the system for about 12 years she came around. She had a boy with her, she wouldn't introduce me. She kept promising she would get me out but she didn't. When I was 14 I went to live with her, the only help she gave me was getting me addicted to drugs. Her boyfriends would come around and kick my ass and then leave. She didn't care, so I left and went back to the system by then I had a record and couldn't get adopted. It was because of her I didn't a great childhood, I had to suffer. So I vowed to get rid of all those women who let their kids suffer in the system because they wanted to stay on drugs.
Erin: You said she had a little boy?
Joshua: Yea, I never got to really meet him she said he was a nephew.
Erin: Did he have blonde hair and green eyes?
Joshua: How do you know that?
Erin: That little boy was your brother..
Joshua: How do you know that?
Erin: Because I'm your sister.......

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