Chapter 8

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Adam: Morning guys, have any of heard from Kim?
Jay: No, not since she left us at Molly's.
Hailey: Did you try to call her?
Adam: obviously that's the first thing i did. Kev can you try to track her phone. Someone run her credit cards, she may have stopped somewhere.
Kevin: yea, it's saying her phone is off. She didn't tell you where she was going?
Hailey: It says she stopped at a grocery store last night. It's right around the corner.
Adam: No, I thought she would've met me back at home. She never showed up, Hailey can you go to the store and ask the clerk if she indicated where she might've went.
Hailey: Okay, be back in a few!
Adam: do any of you have a CI that could hack into to phone to get a last location.
Jay: Uhh, I could try to reach mouse and see if he could!
Adam: okay thats a great idea!

Jay quickly found mouses number and dialed it.

Mouse: Hello!
Jay: Hey, mouse are you busy?
Mouse: No, what's up?
Jay: I need you to find the last location of a phone.
Mouse: okay who am I looking for?
Jay: Kim, she was with us last night, but then she left. No one has been able to get into contact with her.
Hailey: Clerk said she brought children's Tylenol and a few bottles of wine.
Adam: what the hell was she buying children's Tylenol for?
Mouse: What did he say she brought?
Jay: Children's Tylenol and a few bottles of wine.
Mouse: I'll call you back with an update.

Mouse quickly made a phone call, he had a feeling he knew where Kim was at.

Mouse: Hey, I was wondering if Kim is with you?
Erin: Yea, she's still sleep, wait how did you know?
Mouse: Jay just called to see if I could locate her. Then they mentioned she stopped at the store to buy wine and Tylenol, and I remembered Bia was teething.
Erin: Yea, she came over last night for some much needed girl time. I'll go wake her up so she can call them.
Mouse: What should I tell them?
Erin: I'm not sure, just make something up.
Mouse: Okay, I'll call you back later.
Erin: Alright!

Mouse called jay and the team back, so he could fill them in.

Jay: Hey do you have a location?
Mouse: Um.. yea
Adam: Hold on guys Kim is calling, Kim where are you?
Kim: I'm fine, I'm on my way to shower and change, I'll see you at work.
Mouse: What's going on?
Jay: I guess she's fine, I don't know. Thanks for helping us, how have you been?
Mouse: I've been doing great, How about you? How are things with the team?
Jay: I've been doing great, Me and Hailey have been dating for a while now.
Mouse: Who's the hell is Hailey, last lady I remember you dating was Erin, what happened with that?
Jay: Abby came back, turns out I was still married, and I walked away from Erin because the my ptsd came back. Before I had the chance to make it right she had left. She didn't say anything, she just packed up and left me. I've tried calling her but she never answered. So I moved on and I chose Hailey. She really makes me happy!
Mouse: When you find out the truth your going to feel like an asshole, I gotta go Jay. I honestly thought so highly of you, but your not the same man I served with. Bye Jay!
Jay: What th....CLICK....
Jay: What the hell!
Hailey: What's wrong babe?
Jay: Mouse my old ranger brother, He just went off on me.
Kevin: Why, what did you say?
Jay: He asked how I was, and I told him about Hailey. He said last time he remembered me dating it was it Erin, and asked what happened. I told him and he said I was an asshole, and I'm not the same guy he served with. Then he hung up in my face. Like what the hell did I do?
Hailey: That's very weird, just don't worry about him babe!

Kim: Sorry Im late guys....

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