Chapter 51

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They were definitely surprised when ................

The were definitely surprised when Erin went back to back with 7 straight bullseye's. The control she has is utter perfection. They knew she had an amazing shot but her skills had gotten way better.

"You can pick up your jaw Adam, you got drinks to pay for!"

"Linds, I knew you were good but damn that was 7 perfect shots."

"Here at the FBI they only want the best, so I had to tighten up my skills. Trust when I say you will all get there soon enough."

"You have to teach us?"

"I can definitely do that, but since it's the first day I'll treat my team to dinner and drinks."

The team cheered with applause. Jay walked close by and whispered in her ear " you won the bet!" She just stood there and smiled, Jay had made a bet stating if he won there would be no saying "No" for the night ahead or she gets to choose if she wins.

She definitely wanted to lose the bet, but she's got a reputation to protect and since she won there's no telling where this night might go.

As the team left the range, Erin texted Hank to let him know that she was taking the team out to dinner and that mouse would bring him and Bia to the restaurant.

The team happen to notice that Hailey and Erin were getting along pretty well. Kim figured she would ask Erin later, they were out and having a good time an she didn't want to ruin it.

"Okay, dinner is on me so order whatever you like!"

"I can't deny it, I'm already enjoying having Lindsay as our boss. No offense serge!"

"No offense taken, I'm proud of her! Now everyone look over the menu and order."

"I feel like we've been toasting a lot these last few days, but I gotta say this to our new boss from us."

"Adam, you don't have to do this."

"I do, not many people actually know where you came from except the people sitting at this table. Erin Lindsay, the tough and gritty soft center badass that was once an intelligence detective then turned FBI AGENT. You have no idea how proud of you we are, Jay once said when you joined the task force that you was always meant to do big things. You have been trailblazing for a while now, and now you've reached new heights. You're probably one of the youngest females to have their own team in the FBI, and as great as all of that is you have another title. You're a mom, and a amazing one at that, so from all of us thank you for leading the way and paving a future for us."

"I..I...I don't have the words, but thank you! Thank you all for taking a leap of faith on me. You truly have no idea what this means for me to have you all here on this new journey! I do know that this team can do great things if we all work together."

"Great things we'll do, To our new boss!! Cheers!"


The team had a great time hanging out, tomorrow is the official start of their first case and they couldn't wait .

Later that night when Jay, Erin and Bia made it home. He couldn't help but think that he never officially asked her to move in and make this this place their home. In the near future she would become his wife, and the mother of his current and future kids.

"Hey babe, can I talk to you after you bring Bia to the room?"

"Yea, I'll be right back."

She was only gone for about 10 minutes, before she returned. She had changed out of her work attire and put on some comfy clothes.

"Sooo, what did you want to talk about babe?"

"It's nothing bad, but will you move in with me. I know you have been staying with Hank, but I want my family with me under 1 roof. So would you...."

"Of course I will, there's no other place I would rather be."

"I love you, so much!"

"I love you too! I think we should head to the bedroom I'm ready to cash in on our bet."

"What did you have in mind?"

"I was turned on by your bet, but instead of not saying "No" you can't say "no, can't or stop". We ride until we can't anymore."

"My dreams are coming true, just know what you're asking for might give you another Bia."

"I'm on the pill, and I think we'll add to our family soon enough. Now lead the way!"

The next morning the only thing Erin felt was soreness. Going round for round definitely had its advantages and disadvantages. In this case it was the first thing most of her team noticed. She had asked mouse to run point so she head to her office. This gave Kim time to go ask her about Hailey.

"Looks like someone had a great night!"

"Mind blowing is what I would actually say. I couldn't feel my legs for like 2 hours."

"Gosh, I wish Adam could work his magic like that."

"Show him the possibilities!"

"I see where you're going with that. I do have a question?"

"Sure, what's up!"

"What happened between you and Hailey, you both seem buddy buddy?"

"Nothing happened, I just know what it feels like to not have anyone in your corner and do an entire pregnancy by yourself. This is a fresh start for the both of us, we're both in good relationships and it's working."

"You know I've always looked up to you right?"

"Hey I'm no saint!"

"I know that, but seeing your personal growth makes me hopeful for our future."

"I just want us to clean our city and go home at the end of the day to our families!"

"I can agree with that!"

"Hey linds we caught a case, mom reported her daughter went missing yesterday but the police told her she had to wait 24 hours before filing a report."

"All right team, let's roll out. Hailey you hang back and run point here with mouse! Everyone else suit up, we got a kid to find......

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