Chapter 34

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Joshua: How do you know that?
Erin: Because I'm your sister.......

Joshua: I don't believe you!
Erin: When you was born me and Teddy had to be 6,3. At that time I was living in a shelter bunny left me at, the owner was taking care of me by the age of 12 I was already living on the streets. Bunny had people coming in and out of the house, she was so hooked on drugs she barely remembered I was there. Trust me I know our mother, she's selfish and Conniving.
Joshua: Who's bunny?
Erin: Bunny is her nickname or street name. I've always called her bunny because she would always disappear.
Joshua: Okay so maybe you do know her, it still doesn't change the fact that I want her dead. She ruined my life, because of her I can't open my heart up to people. I have nightmares about what she put me through.
Erin: I know first hand of what your going through, I let the most important person to me slip out my life because of her. I was never able to fully open myself up, That is until I freed myself of her hold. I still have nightmares, but that's why I go to therapy.
Joshua: She deserves to be dead!!!
Erin: You still haven't told me what was your purpose. You didn't have to kill all of those women, just to get back at Barbra.
Joshua: I wanted them to feel the pain and suffering that kids like me felt when we were thrown into a system that doesn't really care about us. They didn't check on us, half of the people they left us with were pedophiles.
Erin: I really wish I knew about you, I could've helped you find a better way to cope.
Joshua: What happens next?
Erin: Agent Sam will come in and read your rights again, and then we will be transferring you back to Chicago. You will get your day in court there and then New York will also charge you. I can tell you right now, your looking at life with no chance of parole.
Joshua: Is there any chance you could help me out?
Erin: Nope, I'm handing the case off to the FBI IN CHICAGO. They will handle everything for you once they ready you for transfer.
Joshua: I guess this time I can't blame bunny can I?
Erin: No you can't, me and you went through a lot of the same things but I didn't let it define me. Once I was older I finally found a family that cared about me. I've suffered more than most will in their life time but I didn't let that define me. You never know, you might can turn your life around on the inside.
Agent Sam: They're ready for transport.
Erin: I'm sorry this happened to you, I will try to make back for you hearing!!

Erin followed Agents Sam and Moore out of interrogation as they headed to elevator to take them to the garage. You could see the emotional turmoil across erins face, and the tears was at bay. As she walked past her team they all squeezed her shoulder but all she really wanted for jay to wrap her in his arms and tell her everything will be okay. So, that's what he did, Jay was the last face she had seen and his arms was already waiting for her. She felt his embrace on her tighten, as he whispered in her ear. "None of this is on you, just know I got your back". This was her safe place, with everything happening at the moment Jay's arms was all she needed. Everyone knew she needed a minute but that didn't stop Hailey.

Hailey: Excuse me.. Jay can we talk?
Jay: I am busy..
Hailey: Please Jay...
Jay: Hai....
Erin: It's fine, imma gonna go see Bia.
Jay: Er, you don't have to go..
Erin: It's fine, clearly she needs to talk to you.

Erin pulled out of Jay's arm, she placed a kiss on his cheek and then walked away. Hailey noticed the little things between both Jay and Erin, she felt jay slipping completely out of her grasp.

Jay: What's so important that you needed to speak to me?
Hailey: What's go going on between you too?
Jay: You lost a chance to ask me that when you lied to me.
Hailey: How's Bianca?
Jay: Don't do that Hailey!
Hailey: Do what, I'm just asking how she is doing.
Jay: Hailey because of you I wasn't in my daughters life for 2 years. Erin was sick, and I didn't know how bad it was because of you.
Hailey: Jay, I'm so sorry!!
Jay: Sorry doesn't cut it, look I'm done with this conversation. I need to go see my daughter.
Hailey: I'm pregnant Jay.....

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