Chapter 15

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Adam: Um umm It's from Erin!
Kevin: I got one too!
Kim: So do I!
Jay: I didn't!
Kim: If we got one so should you.
Jay: unless mines is invisible, I didn't get one.
Hailey: Don't worry about it, it's probably for the best we don't her screwing up your head again.
Jay: what's the hell is that suppose to mean?
Hailey: I'm just saying, when it comes to Erin she brings a lot of dark memories for you.
Jay: Sorry for flipping on you right there, and your right I don't need her getting back in my head.
Kim: Kevin can I talk to you really quick?
Kevin: Break room?

Kim and Kevin walked into the break room, both had a seriously confused look on their face. Kim then realized why jay might not be getting the letters.

Kim: I put the letter In the middle of his desk.
Kevin: That's weird!
Kim: I think Hailey is the one taking the letters. It was only us three up here. Jay went to the break room to start coffee, so she was the only one left in the bullpen.
Kevin: So if she took this one, there's a great probability she took the others as well. So he doesn't know about her, Kim we have to tell him.
Kim: Kev you heard what Erin said, we just have to figure out a way for him to read the letters.

While Kim and Kevin were coming up with ideas to help Jay get the letters. Jay called both Adam and Kevin into the break room, both men was very confused.

Jay: Guys I want your honest opinion.
Adam: Okay, what's up?
Kevin: what's up?
Jay: I think I wanna ask Hailey to marry me.
Adam: Whatttttt????
Kevin: Why?
Jay: I love her, and believe me she's it for me. I haven't been happy in a long time, and she makes me happy.
Kevin: Imma be honest, I don't think you should.
Jay: Why not?
Kevin: You want to make sure she's ready for that, you know. If you do it to early it might scare her off.
Jay: I understand that, good looking out. I do want to propose, but I want to make sure it's something we both want.
Adam: Yea, cause you don't want to end up like me.
Jay: Thanks guys!

Erin and Hank decided to take Bia to the zoo. Lately Erin has been heavy in thought about Hank, and his diagnoses. So she had reached out to a specialist in New York concerning Hanks case.

Erin: Hank we need to talk?
Hank: Okay, about what?
Erin: You getting the chemotherapy. I know you said you didn't want me to see you go through this again, but Hank I can't lose you.
Hank: Kiddo....
Erin: No Hank, I want you to fight this. I want you here to see Bia grow up. I don't want to lose you dad.
Hank: My doctor said it would only by me a few months.
Erin: That's why I found you one of the best oncologist in the country, she thinks she can shrink the tumors and then hopefully surgically remove them.
Hank: Wow.... I don't know what to say?
Erin: She's located in New York, so you would just need to take time off to see her.
Hank: I'll think about it.
Erin: I've already sent your scans so she's expecting your call.
Hank: Give me the day to think on it.
Hank: How about we get out of here and go get some food?
Erin: Yea, I think me and Bia could go for some food.
Hank: We can head to the diner around the corner.
Erin: ooh RJ Grunts, I haven't been there in so long.

They all left the zoo, and headed around the corner to RJ Grunts. Hank is putting heavy thought into to actually fighting this. Fighting gives him a chance to watch his granddaughter grow up, and after spending the day with both Erin and Bia he has already made a decision. Hank and Erin was so deep in conversation, that they hadn't notice Bunny walk in the restaurant and approach their table.

Bunny: I don't believe it, When did you get back honey.
Hank: How about you leave us alone, and go back to doing what you were about to do.
Bunny: I wasn't talking to you I was talking to my daughter. Who's this little lady? Aren't you th....
Erin: Don't you dare touch my daughter!
Bunny: I...I have a grandkid?
Erin: No Hank has a grandkid!
Hank: How about we get out of here kiddo, I need to head to the station anyway?
Erin: Yea that's fine, let's go b... munchkin.
Bia: Bye bye....
Bunny: bye bye sweetheart......
Erin: Don't call her that....

Hank paid for their food and they left, Erin was more than hot headed at the moment. Erin couldn't believe Bunny of all people really tried to touch Bia. Erin dropped Hank off at the station, and then headed back to the house. Hank just walked into the district, he hadn't been there in a little over a month.

Trudy: It's good to see you Hank, how are you feeling?
Hank: Better, but I need to talk to you and the team.
Trudy: Are you okay?
Hank: Yea, I just need to talk to you all.
Trudy: okay, let's go up then.

Hank and Trudy walked up the stairs, and the team was spread out throwing paper balls across the room. When they saw Hank they all looked at him, no one was expecting to see him in office at least not yet.

Hank: Hey guys, I need to talk to you about something........

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