Chapter 32

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The next morning........

Hank and Trudy woke up first, they walked in the living room to find Erin laying on Jay's chest. Hank cleared his throat, an Erin slowly started to move. Jay adjusted his hands and placed them on her lower back and side. Erin looked up at Jay and he kissed her forehead before kissing her lips.

Jay: Morning Beautiful...
Erin: Morning Handsome....

Hank cleared his throat, and Jay and Erin realized they were not alone. Erin jumped up quickly and said good morning to both Trudy and Hank before walking into her room. Hank gave Jay a stern look before jay walked out the room to attend to the small whimpers coming from Bianca's room. Trudy slapped Hanks arm, and told Hank to let Erin be happy. Soon after mouse and the others came over and was now waiting for Erin and Jay to get dressed so they could head out. After everyone was ready they headed out, quickly Stopping at Starbucks for breakfast before heading into the office. 

When they arrived at the headquarters the team went through a quick pat down search. While Erin Mouse and Bianca walked through security. Once they were all cleared, security informed Erin the Hailey had arrived and she was waiting upstairs with Sam. The all walked to the elevator and headed upstairs, they had 26 floors to go. Jay and Erin felt awkward now, Hank was staring back and forth between the two of them. Once the doors open Sam was standing there waiting for Erin, she followed Sam and Jay walked behind her to grab Bianca and bring her to the playroom. Both teams split up before meeting back in the big room.

Erin: Good morning everyone, so last night we was able to identify all of the victims. We also received more crime scene pictures from older crime scenes so I want everyone to look through the pictures to see if anything was missed. Also some family members of the victims also said that a white male was seen hanging around a few days before their loved one went missing and then the man would disappear.

Erin: We have 2 family members from our victims coming in, they will be giving us a description of the man that was hanging around. After we get the sketch, intelligence will run the facial recognition. Detective Upton also brought some more files with her, intelligence can start going through them as well. I want us to at least identify our suspect within the next 3 hours.

3 hours later......

Agent Sam: Both the sketches came back almost identical, but the suspect had a scar in one of sketches.
Erin: we can work with that.
Kim: After going through the crime scene photos, we did find a white male that was in every photo.
Kevin: The most recent crime scenes he did have a scar. I think we may have the face of our killer.
Erin: let's run facial recognition on him.

30 minutes later.....

Agent Moore: We got a hit, our suspect name is Joshua McKinley. 22 years old, he has a record. He spent all of his childhood in Chicago. In and out of jail at an early age, he ended up fostering out the system. There's a note in his record, his childhood therapist said he had psychopath tendencies.
Erin: Was his parents listed on his birthday certificate? Jay can you start running his finances.
Agent Cam: No, the mother placed him and didn't want any contact.
Erin: Where was his LKA(last known address)?
Adam: Apparently he's been staying in hotels, these last few weeks. Currently he's staying at the Hilton.
Jay: According to his finances, he just purchased a room at the Hilton recently.
Erin: Okay, Sam get a small team together for a undercover op.
Agent Sam: No problem, do want to use the intelligence team as well?
Erin: Umm.... Is there anyone from the intelligence team that wanna join the small undercover op team?
Adam: I do!
Kevin: I do!
Hailey: Sure!
Erin: Sam take them three and the rest will stay. The remaining members, I want you to find his mother. She has to be in either Chicago or New York, since all of his victims are there.

At the hotel......

Sam has agents spread out blending in with the guest, Kim asked the receptionist had she ever seen the suspect Joshua McKinley. The receptionist confirmed he is staying there, but he checked in and left. Sam makes a call to Erin to get a warrant to search the apartment, it was a good thing Erin had a judge in her back pocket. The warrant got Expedited, and the manager of the hotel allowed Sam and the team enter the room. They went in the room and started looking through Joshua's things. Forensics went through the apartment looking for any DNA samples. Agent Moore, found a brief case and brought it to sam, he put some gloves on and then opened it. There was a lot of papers, but a file stood out. Sam opened the file, and shocked was the only expression he had.

Agent Sam: Call Erin tell her we got a major update...... we may have found his mother!!!!!!!

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