Father's DayWhat if......

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What if Erin came back to Chicago for Jay's first Father's Day.

Special agent in charge/SAC...

SAC: you all have been doing some amazing work, take the next few days off. I don't want to see any of you for at least 4 days.
Erin: That is heaven sent, 4 days of pure Bianca bliss. What should I do with her this weekend?
Mouse: Seeing that it is Father's Day weekend, bring her to Chicago.
Erin: No, I'm not ready to go back yet.
Mouse: You don't want her growing up thinking her dad left her.
Erin: Well he did leave, but he didn't leave her he left me.
Mouse: I'm quite sure he's kicked himself in the ass more than once.
Erin: Fine, I'll go but you have to go with us.
Mouse: Yea I knew that was coming, of course I would accompany my two favorites back to the Windy City.

Erin and mouse packed up their things and headed out to picked Bia up. The FBI had recently approved of building a playroom/daycare, so Erin wouldn't have to drive 20 minutes to her daycare and then a 30 minute drive back home. Erin was more than grateful for mouse, some days it felt great to have someone else drive the car or simply just lend a hand.

Over an hour later they finally returned home. Mouse looked for the tickets while Erin took care of Bia. Mouse was able to secure 2 tickets, and he headed off to pack his bag. The flight left early the next morning, he figure while they were in Chicago they could catch a Cubs game. After Erin fed Bia she went to pack their things as well. She was definitely nervous, this would be the first time she had seen Jay in over a year and a half. Her only thought was how is he going to react to her and especially react to Bianca.

Early the next morning Erin and mouse was up before the sun, they had a red eye to Chicago. Grouchy and sleepy Erin was not fun it was more scary. Fortunately Bianca was still sleeping during all of the moving that was taking place. This would count as her first trip, so they didn't know how she would react on a airplane.

They were fortunate that the 2 hour flight wasn't as bad as they thought. Bianca was pretty relaxed, except when the turbulence kicked in. After they landed they got through the airport pretty quickly, they rented a car for their trip. Father's Day was tomorrow so Erin decided, that's when she would go see Jay. For today, she just took Bia site seeing around Chicago, and taking multiple pictures. Mouse just loved being with them, it made him feel like he still had a family.

After a day of site seeing Bianca,Erin and mouse had lunch at the purple pig, it was Erin's favorite. Erin was grateful for this time off. After their food mouse told Erin about the Cubs tickets that he brought, it was another reason why mouse was her favorites. They headed to their hotel to change, they were both now decked out in the Cubs gear, Bianca had on a Cubs onesie and a jersey that had Halstead across the back.

Erin needed this but mouse needed it more, he had been helping Erin since the moment he joined her team, hell she's the one who requested him and and secured the job as well. Today was definitely the day for it, the Cubs had a phenomenal game day, with Hendricks pitching and Kimbrel closing they took the win. After the game it was time for bed, especially for a sleepy Bianca, she lasted 6 innings before calling quits. When they got back to the hotel, Bianca was first to get a bath. She was tired and hungry, and after that warm bath all she wanted was her mommy and her boobs. After her much needed skin to skin action Bianca was out, you could hear her little snores they sounded just like an exhausted Halstead. There was many ways her little girl was just like her dad, and that was something that scared her. She have spent the last year learning and watching their daughter grow, and he didn't. For tonight she stopped worrying, cause tomorrow brought a whole new challenge.

The next morning she had a plan, she would go out and buy Hank, and Al's favorite breakfast and give them both cards. After successfully purchasing their favorites she headed to the district, she asked mouse to hang back just in case. if there was always someone happy to see her, it would definitely be Trudy.

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