Chapter 13

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Kim: I'm on my way!

Kevin: on your way where, and who's Bia?
Kim: Hanks house, and you'll find out the rest later.
Kevin: Wait Erin's back in town?
Kim: umm yea, listen there's so much more to the story so please don't be mad at her.
Kevin: what the hell is going on?
Kim: Erin will tell you if she wants to. (Why's is there an ambulance here?)

Erin: Bia, while we were taking a nap she spiked a fever and next thing I know she was shaking uncontrollably.. they think she had a seizure.
Kim: OH MY GOSSSHH.... what do you need me to do?
Erin: They're going to bring her to med, get there before them and tell Maggie you want Natalie working on her and to keep Will out of the ER.
Kim: Okay, but I should warn you Kevin knows, he's in the car.
Erin: I'll figure it out later.
Paramedic: We're ready to go now!
Erin: I'm coming!

Kim hopped back in car, Kevin was giving her a serious glare. She just replied and said "she will tell you, but for now we have to head to the hospital".
Kevin: Why are we going to med?
Kim: cause Erin need Natalie's help.

Kev gave an understanding look and then they sped off to med. They made it to the hospital before the ambulance. Kim had gotten out and headed through the ER bay to find Maggie.

Kim: Hey Maggie, I need a huge favor?
Maggie: What's up?
Kim: The ambulance that's about to arrive is a little girl, I need you to have Natalie on it. Will can't know about her!
Maggie: Okay I Can put Natalie on it, but Will has the day off.
Kim: Even better.
Maggie: What's going on, who's the little girl.

Erin walked in along side the gurney holding Bia's hand.

Erin: she's my daughter!!
Maggie: 😮 Erin......
Erin: Hi Maggie.
Maggie: Natalie trauma room 2, how long has it been?
Erin: 3 years!
Natalie: What do we got?
Paramedic: Bianca Lindsay tender age female, mom stated child had a fever and while she was sleep she started seizing. When we arrived on the scene she was coming out of the seizure. We waited till she finished seizing before taking vitals and transporting her.
Natalie: On my count transfer, 3.2.1 move.....okay we need to get a cbc and cmp, and after that we need to get an MRI. Erin we're gonna find the root cause of this.
Erin: Thank you Natalie.
Natalie you can wait in here or the waiting room.
Erin: Umm Im going to go up and see hank, can you call me when she back in the room. Oh and no one can know we're here, like NOBODY only 4 people even know I'm in Chicago so please keep this confidential.
Natalie: Yea I can do that and this stays between us.
Erin: Thanks!

Erin left the room to see Kim and kevin waiting in the hallway. Erin turns and say we can talk upstairs in the waiting room. Erin led the way to the upstairs waiting room.

Erin: First it's great to see you Kev, and second I know I have a lot to explain.
Kevin: it's great to see you too, and yes I want to know why your basically in hiding. What was up with the ambulance.
Erin: Hank called me when he found about his cancer. When I came to town no one knew about Bia, so that's why I avoided everyone. Today, Bia had a seizure while sleep so that's why the ambulance was at the house.
Kevin: So is why you have been avoiding us and Jay?
Erin: huh!
Kim: ummm.....
Erin: What Im about to tell you doesn't leave this group do you understand?
Kevin: Yea...
Erin: Jay is Bia's Dad!
Kevin: OH MY....
Kim: I had the same reaction.
Kevin: Are you going to tell him?
Erin: No and you aren't either... promise me you won't say anything.
Kevin: That's hard, like Linds I work with Jay.
Erin: Kin does to and she hasn't said anything. Please Kev, Jay will find when he stops being mad with me and read the damn letters..
"Look Bia is back downstairs Kim will tell you the rest"
Kevin: I'm sorry how everything is going, but it is good to see you Linds. I really missed you!
Erin: I missed you to, Kim I'll see you later and I'll send you updates. See you around Kev..

They went there separate way Erin went back down to Bia. Kim and Kevin left to go finish there shift.

Natalie: After her scans and blood work......

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